Valentine’s Day Chocolate

Valentine's Day is many things to different people. It can be a shot at new beginnings, rekindling old flames, or a chance to show your special someone how you feel about them. To others, it can be a cold splash of reminder that they are alone on a supposedly lovey-dovey day. No matter what your expectations and reservations about Valentine's Day are, you cannot deny the fact that chocolate is a staple during Valentine's Day.

From the time of the Aztecs, chocolate has always been an effective gift. For a reason not fully known to man, it is, by some means, a magical way to say "I love you." Chocolate is a lot more than just food. A quote from Patrick Skene Catling, the author of the children's book entitled The Chocolate Touch, even says "Other things are just food. But chocolate's chocolate." True enough, even the scientific name of the tree which chocolate has been derived from, Theobroma cacao, translated from Greek, means "food of the gods."

How come chocolate stirs up countless emotions and thoughts as well as attachments in us? It has always been linked to passion, romance, and love. This particular connection is traced back to the Aztecs. They had always reckoned chocolate as a great source of spiritual wisdom, extraordinary vitality along with heightened sexual strength. Chocolate had been traditionally used as a nuptial aid and was regarded as a commonplace during wedding ceremonies.

The establishment of Valentine's Day in 496 A.D. by Pope Galasius I, every 14th of February, served as being one particular day when lovers show their fascination with the other person.  It is typically expressed by means of giving romantic gifts to each other, thus setting off the actual desire for Valentine chocolate.

We have witnessed a consistently escalating necessity for Valentine's chocolate in the market. As the demand for it gets bigger, the manufacturing of the majority of high-quality Valentine's chocolate has been constantly cutthroat. They certainly get better with time. They differ from taste, texture, color, smell, shape, as well as presentation. Valentine's chocolates generally come in fancy and heart-shaped boxes, but some can be creative.

Chocolate as a Valentine's gift may be a dated, old-fashioned, and uncreative way to express emotions to some. But to others, chocolate always works magic. Happy Valentine's Day! 🙂

Joanna Maligaya
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