The Top 3 Halloween Candies
October 25, 2020
Halloween may be a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun and enjoy the comfort of cheap, industrial sized bags of candy!
In the spirit of Halloween, let’s take a look at the most popular Halloween candies according to a study conducted by the LA Times. Would you even be surprised if I started off by saying that the top 3 in this list are chocolates? Nope, me either.
Coming in third place we have Butterfinger. These candy bars consist of a peanut brittle interior with a thin outer coating of chocolate. You can’t go wrong with adding some Butterfingers to your bowl of treats.
Kit Kats have the honor of receiving the silver medal. The wafers are crispy, the chocolate is sweet and melts in your mouth-what isn’t to love?!
There are debates on the best way to eat a Kit Kat bar. Some swear by snapping off each section and eating each piece one at a time, and others claim that peeling each layer away (first the thin chocolate, then a wafer, then the next layer of chocolate, ect.) one by one is the proper way to do it.
All right, time for first place. That beautiful, shining gold medal belongs to...drum roll please... Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
Not my cup of tea (okay fine, I’m allergic to peanuts so I’ve never tried them) but I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a classic Reese’s cup. With that iconic yellow and orange wrapper, the crimped black paper that holds each individual cup, it’s no wonder that this chocolate is seen as the true face of Halloween candy.
Apparently, nothing beats the combination of lightly salted peanut butter and smooth milk chocolate. Salty and sweet is definitely a well loved combination.
Of course, I would love to read some comments with your own personal favorite holiday sweets! Do you agree with this list or would you change it up?
Happy Halloween my friends and fellow chocolate lovers! Take advantage of bulk candy bags while you can. I say we celebrate this holiday with less tricks, and just a whole lot of treats.
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