Tag Archive: serotonin
Eat Chocolate, Slow Down Aging Process
May 23, 2014
Going grocery shopping? Make sure you add chocolates to your shopping list. Why? I said it a million times, it acts like serotonin in your brain -- it makes you happy! On top of that, the catechins in chocolate help keep wrinkles away.
See to it that you buy dark chocolate with at least 85% cacao, though. Otherwise, the sugars undo what chocolate does. You body may be older than you would like it to be, however you can still do something to slow down the aging process. Here are some tips to heed:
Dark Chocolate Reduces Chronic Fatigue
April 19, 2012
Chronic fatigue syndrome refers to a disorder which tends to cause extreme fatigue. It's not the exhausted feeling you get which just goes away after you get some rest. Rather, it typically stays around for at least 6 months and holds you back from going about your daily routine efficiently.
Symptoms of chronic fatigue include physiological problems like tender lymph nodes, sore throat, sleep problems, pain in multiple joints, headaches, memory problems, and muscle pain, among others.
Other medical disorders come with these symptoms, as well, making it difficult to diagnose. The precise causative factors for chronic fatigue syndrome are still unknown. Practically anyone can suffer from it, but it is commonly seen in women in their 40's and 50's. It can't be cured, but it is highly treatable.
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Chocolate for Stress Reduction
March 20, 2012
According to dietician Silke Restemeyer, who works for a nutrition association in Germany, chocolate does lift the spirits. "Chocolate contains a lot of tryptophan and fat. These constituents ensure that increased amounts of the neurotransmitter serotonin are produced in the brain, and this is what causes the happy feelings," she said.
A lot of individuals associate chocolate consumption with positive memories during childhood. The sensation of chocolate melting in your mouth elicits a warm feeling. That can actually provide you with temporary distraction from the worries and stress of daily life.
However, this pleasure lasts only for a while. "After all, you can't eat that much chocolate for it to have a sustained beneficial effect - and nor should you," Restemeyer said, citing the high fat and calorie content of chocolate.
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Dark Chocolate Can Alleviate PMS Symptoms
February 21, 2012
Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a collective term for all the physical and emotional symptoms that come with a woman's menstrual cycle. Such symptoms are due to the changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in the female body during women's monthly periods. Often times, these symptoms cause immense discomfort and distress.
Such changes can bring about a domino effect in the body which often leads to a temporary drop in the levels of hormones serotonin and endorphins, both considered to be feel-good hormones.
Being irritable and feeling exhausted all the time are among the most common symptoms experienced when PMS-ing. It goes without saying that it can be such a pain in the neck, but there are measures one can take to somehow alleviate the symptoms.
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Why Women Crave Chocolates
September 1, 2011
We all have chocolate cravings, but women seem to have stronger desire for it than men do. Why is it so? Research has found that these cravings may be in relation to blood sugar levels, stress and hormonal changes caused by a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Chocolates have sugar and caffeine content and these can alter your blood sugar levels. One reason why we sometimes crave chocolates is because sugar in our blood hits the low levels and chocolates can be a good source of a quick sugar fix.
Eating chocolate never fails to make you feel good and this is due to the serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that can enhance the mood. This is the main reason why chocolate is a renowned comfort food.
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Chocolate to Clear Your Head
December 16, 2010
'Tis the season – to be tired!
I know the holidays can be stressful and exhausting. Even if you aren’t in charge of preparing for the parties and family gatherings, you may find yourself having to do something unexpected that requires a tremendous amount of your time and energy.
One of two things usually happens to me in times of stress as it pertains to food; overeat or forget to eat. Neither extreme is healthy, and neither condition will do anything to keep a body going.
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Is Chocolate a Mood Food?
November 11, 2010
You've heard things about chocolate: chocolate makes you feel good, in love, amorous, calm, not depressed. Fact or fiction?
There is no doubt chocolate brings about chemical reactions in the body, in fact, all food stimulates endorphins in the brain when eaten. But even with all that going on, scientists have yet to find sufficient evidence that proves chocolate and other “mood foods” can cause enough bodily changes to be noticeable.
Scientists know that neurotransmitters affect the brain. High levels of serotonin are associated with feelings of being calm, happy, and relaxed; and dopamine and norepinephrine cause feelings of pleasure and reward. The physiological connection between food and brain chemicals has been documented but the effects are usually not enough to make a real difference in our moods.
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Chocolate and Romance: A Great Pairing
February 8, 2010
Like chocolate, for instance.
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