Tag Archive: orange

Private Selection – Cranberry, Orange, and Honey
June 21, 2019
Private Selection is a Kroger store-brand that spans across many item categories, including chocolate bars. The price point for the Private Selection chocolate is certainly appealing. I paid $1.79 for the Cranberry Orange Honey Swiss Bar.

Theo Orange Dark Chocolate
October 11, 2018
I’ve tasted and reviewed a few Theo chocolates in the past. It’s been a while, though. Revisiting a familiar friend is nice once in a while.

Vande Walle’s Candies – Part One
July 12, 2018
A visit to Vande Walle’s Candies shop in Appleton, Wisconsin is a treat. I recently had the pleasure of fitting in a trip to Vande Walle’s while out shopping with my mother in-law. I loved my first step into the chocolate shop. The air conditioning felt so luxurious on that hot afternoon, and I took in the smells of chocolate, caramel, and mint hitting my senses in a delightful way.
Ah, the aromas of a chocolate shop. They’re almost identical wherever I go...

Dolfin Chocolat Noir – Oranges Amères
September 26, 2016
Did you know there is a museum dedicated to Chocolate? Yes, it exists!
It’s not well-known around the Midwest where I’m from but if you visit or live in Orlando, Florida, you will certainly hear about it. It caught my mom’s attention when she traveled to Orlando this past June for a family member’s graduation.

Divine Dark Chocolate with Ginger and Orange
May 2, 2016
Recently, I was given a Divine Dark Chocolate with Ginger and Orange bar as a thank-you gift. I enjoy this brand of chocolate, but never tasted this particular variety before.
The chocolate is 70% Ghanaian and, true to every Divine bar I’ve ever had, it is superb.

Chocolate Orange Flan Recipe
July 15, 2015
This recipe mixes the traditional with the new and vibrant.
In Spain's native tongue, the recipe is called flan de chocolate y naranja.

Chocolate Orange Supreme Cheesecake Recipe
May 13, 2015
It won't be long before summer is here, and the song of ice cream trucks and children running fills the streets. For many children, the single best sound they’ll hear on any hot summer day is the catchy jingle of the ice cream truck as it makes its way down their street.
As a child, I recall orange dreamsicles to have been a popular treat of choice. I wonder what the kiddies go for nowadays! Well, if you're looking for a dessert that brings the magic of summer days inside, this chocolate orange-dreamy-cheesecake pairs well with sunny days and bare feet.

Chocolate Orange Cake Recipe
March 18, 2015
Celebrate the grass getting greener with some delicious chocolate orange cake as we enter the season of delicious ripe fruits and veggies. The orange zest will perk up your dusty winter senses and bring your mind to backyard, barefoot fun.
Chocolate Orange Mousse
February 20, 2013
Oranges are packed with nutrients. This particular fruit is known to be low in caloric content, and has no cholesterol or saturated fats. It is rich in fiber, too. Oranges, like other citrus fruits, are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. And the list of the nutritional contents of oranges goes on…
I just gave you one whole paragraph regarding oranges because it's gonna be in the recipe I'll be giving you now! Of course the recipe is not as nutritious as orange when it's all by itself, but some of the nutrients are still there, right? LOL At least, the flavor is very present. A lot of chocolate lovers dig their treat with a hint of orange. I'm not crazy about chocolate and orange pairing myself, but this recipe is actually pretty good!
Orange Chocolate Crunch
November 23, 2011
Chocolate is divine all its own. I’d pretty much eat anything that has chocolate in it. But orange and chocolate combination is just downright scrumptious.
The tangy note of orange is just heavenly when united with the sweetness of chocolate. When a certain cake features the combo, it leaves an intricate taste in your mouth. You’ll know it's not just another boring dessert.
You can use this recipe for these up-and-coming holidays and entertain your guests with a cake that has the interesting combination of orange and chocolate with the crunch of walnuts.
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