Tag Archive: milk chocolate

Lily’s Salted Almond and Milk
July 26, 2018
A couple of years ago I reviewed the Lily’s 55% chocolate bar sweetened with stevia. Ever conscientious of lowering my sugar intake, and because it’s been a while, I grabbed another Lily bar when I was out shopping. This time it was the 40% milk chocolate salted almond sweetened with stevia. I also wanted to revisit that 55% dark, so I grabbed one of those too.

Vande Walle’s Candies – Part Two
July 19, 2018
A “Chocolaterie” is usually a business that makes chocolates and sells them at the same place. It’s also usually a small family-owned business and typically only at one location.
The term “Chocolaterie” is of French origin and isn’t used very often in the United States. Instead, we use terms like Chocolate Shop, Candy Store, or Chocolate Company. You may see the occasional “Chocolatier” or “Chocolat” used to imply that the business makes the chocolate it sells.

Divine’s Seriously Smooth Milk Chocolate
July 5, 2018
You’ve heard me talk about Divine Chocolate before. It’s one of my favorite chocolate companies. I hold it in high esteem for two major reasons; excellent chocolate and an excellent story.

Labooko Nicaragua 50% Milk Chocolate
December 28, 2017
Zotter Chocolate, www.zotterusa.com, might be on to something...
In 2012, the Labooko Nicaragua 50% Milk Chocolate bar was rated the “best milk chocolate in the world”! Professional taste tester and author, Georg Bernardini, tasted over 2,700 chocolates doing research for his book “Der Schokoladentester” (“The Chocolate Tester”) and declared this to be so. It took him two years to complete the book.
In addition to pronouncing Labooko Nicaragua the best milk chocolate, he also rated Zotter chocolate company as one of the best chocolate makers in the world.

Artisan Kettle Organic Chocolate Chips
September 29, 2017
There’s another player in the organic chocolate chip arena; Artisan Kettle made by Clasen Quality Chocolate. They are available in four varieties - semisweet, bittersweet, milk and white. The chips are organic and fair trade certified. Sourced from South America.

Hammond’s Chocolate Bars
September 6, 2017
Once again we get to my birthday, and here come the gifts of chocolate!
Yay, I have new chocolate bars to try and this time they are made by Hammond’s Candies in Denver, CO.
According to their website, www.hammondscandies.com, Hammond’s has been in business for more than 90 years. In 1920, Carl T. Hammond, Sr. founded Hammond’s Candy Company in Denver, Colorado. His first candy creation was the Honey Ko Ko - a chocolate topped with shredded coconut.

MilkBoy Swiss Alpine Milk Chocolate with Crunchy Caramel and Sea Salt
July 17, 2017
Milkboy is made in Switzerland and according to their website, www.milkboy.com, cows that graze the alpine meadows “produce some of the best-quality milk available, milk for which Switzerland is rightly famed.”
In addition to “best-quality milk,” the milk solids content is 24%. This is much higher than minimal levels required for milk chocolate in the U.S. (which is 12%). No wonder it’s uber-milky and creamy! Read more

Perugina Milk Chocolate with Almonds
June 5, 2017
Milk Chocolate Lovers Series, part 7: Perugina Milk Chocolate with Caramelized Almonds
Welcome to the last review in the Milk Chocolate Lovers series. There are so many milk chocolates out there it's impossible to cover them all. My goal was to review milk chocolates that are commonly found and easy to purchase.

Ritter Sport Fine Milk Chocolate
May 29, 2017
Milk Chocolate Lovers Series, part 6: Ritter Sport Fine Milk Chocolate
Ritter Sport is a pretty familiar chocolate brand world-wide. That’s not surprising since they’ve been around for more than 100 years! Founded in 1912, the Ritter family has owned and operated the chocolate company, and today, selling chocolates in 100 countries around the globe.
As part of the current Milk Chocolate Lover’s blog series, I’m tasting Fine Milk Chocolate from their Classic line. This bar has a cacao percentage of 35 and is sourced from Ecuador.