Tag Archive: holidays
Indulging In Chocolate This Easter
March 30, 2012
Easter is just around the corner. It wouldn't hurt to treat ourselves in this time of the year to some chocolaty goodness. It can be our way to celebrate the rising of the Son of God. Besides, Easter and chocolate have a sweet link.
In accordance with my blog post yesterday, chocolate eggs are among the symbols of Easter. Quintessentially Foundation is encouraging you to treat yourself with a chocolate egg, of course, for a cause.
This coming Easter, Britain’s Best Chocolatier William Curley will donate 10% of what they will be able to generate from chocolate sales to Quintessentially Foundation. Just quote QFE2012 on the Internet or Quintessentially Foundation when purchasing in store. The proceeds will benefit the charities that Quintessentially Foundation supports this year, namely Maggie's Cancer Care Centres, The Prince's Trust, and War Child.
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Valentine’s Day Chocolate
February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day is many things to different people. It can be a shot at new beginnings, rekindling old flames, or a chance to show your special someone how you feel about them. To others, it can be a cold splash of reminder that they are alone on a supposedly lovey-dovey day. No matter what your expectations and reservations about Valentine's Day are, you cannot deny the fact that chocolate is a staple during Valentine's Day.
From the time of the Aztecs, chocolate has always been an effective gift. For a reason not fully known to man, it is, by some means, a magical way to say "I love you." Chocolate is a lot more than just food. A quote from Patrick Skene Catling, the author of the children's book entitled The Chocolate Touch, even says "Other things are just food. But chocolate's chocolate." True enough, even the scientific name of the tree which chocolate has been derived from, Theobroma cacao, translated from Greek, means "food of the gods."
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Chocolate Brittle
December 7, 2011
You have the freedom in selecting the way you make your chocolate brittle. In this particular recipe, we will be using semi-sweet chocolate, but you can always opt for white, milk, or dark chocolate. It's all up to your liking, or the one you plan on giving it to. Especially now that it's December already, you can make some of these to give as a holiday gift.
But don't stop here, you can modify the recipe by using other dried fruits and nuts available in your kitchen or fridge. And always keep in mind, the quality of the chocolate brittle will be as good as the quality of the chocolate you will be using, so see to it that you use quality chocolate!
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Giving Thanks
November 24, 2011
By the time American Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving, cacao was largely unknown outside of Meso-America. The unfortunate side-effect of this timing is that chocolate would not have been present at that original Thanksgiving dinner.
Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. In the grand scheme, today is a day to stop and give thanks for the many blessings we have received. Chocolate is still one of those blessings. And so are you!
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Chocolate Pecan Pie
November 2, 2011
Wow, it's November already. As we're beginning the approach on the upcoming holiday season it's time to start thinking about great holiday recipes to share with guests.
Pecan pie is one of those desserts that is popularly served at Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. It is also considered a specialty of Southern U.S. cuisine.
Pecan pie is typically made of corn syrup and pecan nuts, but you're on my website and that means you expect chocolate. So here's a chocolate pecan pie recipe for you to enjoy. And, this one is quite simple to make.
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Chocolate Milk on Halloween
October 21, 2011
It’s nothing different from the regular white milk, only cocoa-flavored! It has the same nine essential nutrients but with a taste children dearly love. To have a healthier celebration of Halloween this year, the California Milk Processor Board (CMPB) which created ‘Got Milk?’ is encouraging families across all California to make chocolate milk the treat of choice on Oct. 31, instead of the usual unhealthy counterparts. Got Milk?, by the way, is an American advertising campaign encouraging the use of cow's milk. The campaign has been recognized as of great help in milk sales in California.
A little piece of candy here and there may not be harmful, but an average Jack-O-Lantern bucket pretty much holds about 250 pieces of candy, which altogether approximately totals 9,000 calories and have about three pounds of sugar. Imagine that going into your system. Even for adults, it’s a heck of a lot!
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Chocolate Easter Bunnies
October 13, 2011
I know it is absolutely nowhere near Easter, but it just feels right to share this info on the spur of the moment. C’mon now, cut me some slack!
For starters, Easter is known as the most sacred Christian holiday of the year. Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his crucifixion is celebrated on Easter Day or Easter Sunday.
Did you know that ninety million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced each year? No child's Easter basket is ever complete without a chocolate Easter bunny or two. But how did Easter get mixed up with a rabbit? Where did that come in?
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Day of the Dead
October 6, 2011
Did you know that in Mexico, chocolate is used to make offerings during the Day of the Dead festival? This particular fiesta acts as a commemoration to pay tribute and honor all the deceased members of the family. Chocolate and sweets are important components of the festival. People give each other skulls made of chocolate or sugar. The Day of the Dead fete is celebrated throughout the country on the 1st and 2nd of November.
As morose as it may sound, it is in fact a cheerful occasion where departed loved ones are reminisced. Some families even construct altars dedicated to the dead relatives. The altars are filled with flowers, candles, wooden skulls and photos of the dead. The families celebrate and bring to mind the deceased members by eating the favorite foods of those passed. The specific foods that are specially eaten in this celebration are pan de muerto which is a skull-shaped bread and Calabaza en Tacha which is a dessert made with sweet pumpkin, cinnamon, and piloncillo, dark sugar cones.
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Chocolate for the Chinese New Year
February 1, 2011
This week kicks off the Chinese New Year – Feb. 3, 2011 – or year 4708 according to the Chinese calendar.
Giving gifts of chocolate is not a major part of the Chinese New Year, but it is a growing activity.
Traditionally, red envelopes or red packets filled with money are passed out during the celebrations. These days, you may find chocolate coins in addition to cash inside the packets.
Small gifts of food or sweets are exchanged between friends or relatives when visiting their homes. Chocolate candies or cakes are becoming popular gifts during these visits.
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Chocolate Covered Peppermint Patties
December 29, 2010
These peppermint patties may be the perfect ending to a holiday meal! Be sure to temper the chocolate to give a finish and snap to your creation.
Chocolate Covered Peppermint Patties • 3/4 cup sweetened condensed milk • 1 1/2 teaspoons peppermint extract • 4 cups powdered sugar • 3 cups semisweet chocolate, chopped Read more |