Tag Archive: healthy chocolate
Chocolate Better Than Fruit Juices
April 17, 2012
Chocolate is deemed healthier compared to a lot of fruit juices. It's even considered as a superfood in its own right, according to a recent research conducted by an American-based chocolate company.
Superfoods are foods that contain high levels of compounds and antioxidants that help in preventing damage to healthy cells. Scientists from the Hershey Centre for Health & Nutrition in America discovered that powdered dark chocolate contains higher amounts of polyphenols and antioxidants, which are known to protect cardiac conditions and cancer.
Take fruit juice out of the picture as chocolate proves to be much better in boosting one's health, a recent study has indicated. Cocoa and dark chocolate have higher antioxidant capacity compared to fruit juices, such as pomegranate, cranberry, and blueberry powder, based on a study seen in Chemistry Central Journal.
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About Organic Chocolate
April 12, 2012
Organic chocolates are made of cacao beans that are cultivated without using any synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Authentic organic chocolates also utilize organically grown sugar.
In America, specific standards of qualification (set by the USDA) need to be met in order for a product to be called organic. That said, when you eat organic chocolate, you can rest assured that you are consuming those ingredients that have been farmed in an environmentally-suitable manner.
One primary reason why it is best that you opt for organic chocolate, instead of its non-organic version, is the fact that you decrease your chances of ingesting harsh pesticide residues. Non-organic chocolate, especially dark ones, are fine to eat all their own. However, the drawback there is the possibility of also eating the pesticide residue, if any, in the cocoa used. In great enough quantity, this could lead to certain health problems.
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Chocolate Yogurt Ice
February 15, 2012
Yogurt is widely used across the globe nowadays, and we know all too well that it's a renowned health food. It derived its name from the Turkish word "yogurur", meaning "long life".
Research has it that a cup of plain yogurt, which is around 240 mg, purportedly contains 140 calories. Not so bad for a tasty treat, eh?
More to these, regular consumption of yogurt is said to have several health benefits, and among those is that it aids in better absorption of the nutrients you get from other food.
It is a highly nutritious food on its own, containing numerous health benefits that include protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.
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Austrian Students Develop Healthy Chocolate
January 31, 2012
Good news to every chocophile out there. Pretty soon, your favorite guilty pleasure will be way more pleasurable! Students of the University of Applied Sciences in Wels, Austria are currently working to develop a certain type of chocolate that does not only taste good but also packs a lot of nutritional benefits.
I know where you're getting at, and you may be right. Yes, it’s no surprise that chocolate has a lot of health advantages to offer, specifically because of the high antioxidant properties it contains. But this one is of different level, a higher one.
The students were able to come up with the special chocolate through a project in their course of organic and environmental technology. They were looking to bring the healthy apple back into the diet of Upper Austrians. The bitter-tasting and filled chocolate is made out of old, native apple varieties that are purified using apple brandy in oak barrels.
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Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight
November 29, 2011
I have mentioned in one of my previous blog posts about a new experiment conducted that involved chocolate in weight-loss diets. Well, this one might just up any chocoholic's excitement just a little bit more.
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A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
September 13, 2011
It’s not like we ever need any encouragement to eat chocolate, but just in case, here’s one: a new study suggests that people who eat it regularly may not only be satisfying their sweet tooth craving, but also cutting down the risk of developing certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke by 37%, 31% and 29%, respectively.
"We found a potential link between chocolate consumption and prevention of heart disease,” said Dr. Oscar H. Franco, lead researcher from the department of public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge in the UK. The studies involved more than 114,000 participants and consumption of both dark and milk chocolate and incorporated chocolate bars, chocolate drinks and chocolate snacks. “At this point, we are in the early stages of research," he added.
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Health Benefits of Chocolate
August 26, 2011
Gone are the days when chocolate practically screams “unhealthy”. Today, consumption of chocolate in appropriate amounts can actually be beneficial for you, health-wise. And it goes without saying that you should have the right kind of chocolates in hand, not the ones loaded with sugar and other not-so-healthy stuff.
Contrary to popular belief, eating chocolates can possibly improve cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and the risk of having diabetes. As strange as it may sound, it is true according to Harvard researchers. This study involved a review of 24 studies and 1,106 participants. And the said health benefits are due to the chocolate’s content called flavonoids which are of highest levels in the dark variants. Like I said, the right kind of chocolates, always keep that in mind.
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Fighting Cancer with Chocolate?
August 18, 2011
If that would be the case, who wouldn’t want to kick cancer’s butt? Here are some interesting tidbits of information to help you realize how good chocolate can be for your health!
Cacao seeds contain Flavonoids (specifically Flavanols) that are chemicals found in plant-based foods that give major health benefits. Over 4,000 flavonoids have been known and almost all of it are found in fruits, vegetables and beverages such as tea, coffee, beer, wine and fruit drinks. Good thing our beloved chocolate is part of the list!
When we eat foods that have flavonoids, it just means that we also take advantage of the antioxidants in it which are believed to help the body fight cell damage. In addition to that, studies say that flavonoids have other helpful influences on vascular health, such as lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow to the brain and heart, making blood platelets less viscous. Thus, keeping cholesterol from gathering in blood vessels. It also slows down the immune responses that lead to clogged arteries.
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Crio Bru
June 10, 2011
If you've known me for a while you might know that I enjoy a good cup of coffee. While it's not chocolate, it's still a flavor I look forward to.
And, according to a press release I read, "Crio Bru delivers the same intense, complex flavors of the finest cocoa beans found in artisan dark chocolate."