Tag Archive: flavonols

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Chocolate
July 15, 2016
Many studies indicate that chocolate is a healthy food, but not all chocolate is created equal. The health benefits of chocolate are found in the cocoa content, so low-cocoa chocolate foods will have little beneficial effects.
In addition to lacking sufficient amounts of cocoa, white and milk chocolate also contain more sugar, further diluting the health benefits of cocoa.
A dark chocolate bar of at least 70% cocoa is best if you’re going for health and for flavor—though you may wish to go darker if you have an adventurous palate.
Added Awesomeness To The Already Awesome Chocolate
October 11, 2012
Did my title just scare you? Please, say it didn't. I may come off as a chocoholic who worships chocolate and its overall greatness. Well, yeah, that is actually true. But heck. I am sane enough to be writing this for you. So, welcome, and go on with your reading, and you will perfectly understand why I am just this appreciative when it comes to chocolate.
Lots of things have already been said about chocolate when it comes to its beneficial effects to the human mind and body. Little did we know that further studies and research are being conducted in order to lengthen the existing long list of the good things about it.
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Chocolatey Chocolate Tea
January 5, 2011
Tea, like chocolate, is known for its many health benefits such as lowering blood cholesterol levels and providing antioxidant protection against cancer and heart disease. Tea can also boost metabolism which may help control weight.
Americans are drinking more tea. I suspect it started as a result of wanting to consume something healthy, but in the process we have grown to appreciate the aroma and delicate flavors tea has to offer.
Sometimes the bitter, astringent taste of tea is a turn off. The bitterness comes from the antioxidants and flavonols that are so beneficial, so what can we do to soften the bitter while keeping the antioxidants intact?
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High Flavonol Chocolate
October 10, 2010
Here's a question that was posed to me recently...
What is the difference between store bought chocolate and the high flavonol chocolate found in all those scientific studies?
The simple answer to this question is found in the question itself. Store bought chocolate typically has lower quantities of flavonol substances. OK, that's a weak answer. Here is some explanation...
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