Tag Archive: cake

Easy No-Bake Chocolate Cake Recipe Using 3 Ingredients
April 26, 2022
Did you say a no-bake chocolate cake using 3 ingredients? Count me in!

Death by Chocolate Cake Recipe
September 30, 2015
I can't imagine another scenario where the reader of "death by..." is delighted to hear the end of that sentence.
This observation alone tells us so much about the power of chocolate in our lives!
If the question is death by chocolate cake, anyone? It's all "jolly good!" And, "I'll have two!"
Joking aside, what better dessert to serve for your Halloween party guests!

Bavarian Spice Chocolate Cake Recipe for German Unity Day
September 23, 2015
The Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is officially celebrated on October 3rd, and has been a German national holiday since 1990, when the reunification of East and West Germany was formally completed.
To help celebrate from afar, test out this Bavarian spiced chocolate cake recipe on family and friends. After all, Germany is responsible for many of the things we enjoy here in the U.S. - Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Siemens, Jägermeister, Hugo Boss, and the list goes on.

Banana Chocolate Cake Recipe
June 24, 2015
Remember eating those delicious chocolate covered banana "monkey tails" as a kid? Those were the best.
Bananas have always been my favorite fruit, but I'm not the only one crazy about bananas anymore. The adorable minions of Despicable Me are all about them, too!

Chocolate Orange Cake Recipe
March 18, 2015
Celebrate the grass getting greener with some delicious chocolate orange cake as we enter the season of delicious ripe fruits and veggies. The orange zest will perk up your dusty winter senses and bring your mind to backyard, barefoot fun.
Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream Cake Roll
May 1, 2013
At some point in my life, I was crazy about Oreos. As a kid, I remember not being able to sleep if I didn't have my Oreo fix. I was the typical kid who would open the sandwich cookie, and lick the filling. Then I would close it again, and dunk it in my tall glass of milk. You get the picture.
Éclair Cake
May 2, 2012
This is an extremely simple and quick dessert cake that calls for no baking. It makes use of a pudding mixture and graham crackers. It's so much like an éclair, which is an oblong pastry composed of choux dough filled with a cream and then topped with icing.
And it's perfect for a sharing! It's an ideal recipe for finicky eaters like your kids. You can even whip this up if you want them to learn their ways around the kitchen. Like I said, you need not bake or have any advanced kitchen tools. It's mighty easy to prepare!
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Orange Chocolate Crunch
November 23, 2011
Chocolate is divine all its own. I’d pretty much eat anything that has chocolate in it. But orange and chocolate combination is just downright scrumptious.
The tangy note of orange is just heavenly when united with the sweetness of chocolate. When a certain cake features the combo, it leaves an intricate taste in your mouth. You’ll know it's not just another boring dessert.
You can use this recipe for these up-and-coming holidays and entertain your guests with a cake that has the interesting combination of orange and chocolate with the crunch of walnuts.
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Chocolate Beer Pudding Cake
November 16, 2011
Yep, chocolate and beer pairing is getting so popular I might as well share a recipe that has it.
It may sound bizarre to others who don’t experiment with food much, but beer and chocolate go together splendidly, especially the dark variants. The pairing sounds pretty strange but boy does it work!
People who aren’t crazy about beer often have a fancy for chocolate, so it’s safe to say it’s a win-win recipe. Huge beer fanatics can find flavors in beer that can also be found in chocolate.
With some experimentation, foodies now have come up with something that would make beer fans and chocolate lovers meet halfway. Those who have a sweet tooth are the ones who will enjoy it better, though!
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A Brief History of Brownies
September 22, 2011
The brownie, one of the most loved baked treat, was believed to be "invented" in America. Some references imply that brownies were originally made in New England at the beginning of the 20th century. Albeit the facts that it is basically cake-like and baked in a cake pan, brownies are considered as bar cookies rather than a cake.
Brownies can either be "cake-style" or "fudge-style”. Cake-style is that with the consistency of a cake, only richer and denser. On the other hand, fudge-style is more like, er, fudge than cake. It is the richer, denser, and creamier version of the brownie. What determines the style of brownie is the ratio of flour to chocolate and/or cocoa.
I hate to state the obvious but it’s apparent brownie derived its name from its dark brown color. But just like almost any food, the origin of the "brownie" is covered in myth. One of the legends told is that a chef added melted chocolate to biscuits by mistake. Another one states that a cook was baking a cake but didn't have enough flour and baked it anyway, thus, making a brownie.
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