Tag Archive: Cadbury

Super-Dad Writes To Cadbury About Chocolate
October 30, 2015
October 28th was National Chocolate Day!
I hope you took a moment to enjoy your favorite chocolate bar, make a fun recipe, or have that first seasonal cup of hot cocoa.
Today, I'm sharing this adorable story of a dad-to-be, his pregnant girlfriend, and her severe chocolate cravings.
Crispello Chocolate Bar For Women Only?
October 30, 2012
I am not well versed as to where the divisions of the world came from. Wars between countries, feuds between families, inequality between the wealthy and the poor, discrimination between males and females, and the list goes on. We do not have enough time to explore all these issues.
Levity aside, isn’t it just so tiring to have to pick a side and find all the right things to say just so you can stand your ground? There are already a lot of injuries out there. But to add insult to them, even the chocolate manufacturers decided to join in on the fun by creating their very own sexist chocolate brand.
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Chocolates Make Australian’s Most Trusted List
August 10, 2012
As sexist as it may sound, they say that behind every successful man is a strong woman. Similarly, as conceited as it may sound, behind every successful industry or business is a number of loyal consumers.
Admit it, no matter how good quality a product is, or how promising the offered services are, if you do not have people who patronize them then you have next to nothing.
It comes naturally that the performance of various industries be rated by the consumers themselves. In the recent survey conducted among Australian consumers, they came up with the list of the most trusted products and brands.
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Daintree Estates: Chocolate from Down Under
October 24, 2011
"My dad makes chocolate" blurts out my 5 year old son to his school-mates at class assembly one morning. I'm not sure if that makes me Willy Wonka or just a really cool dad. But launching a brand new chocolate company is no walk in the park.
My friends are a little less enthusiastic; "aren't there enough chocolates already?" Their assumption is that we're trying to compete with the Cadbury's and Lindt's of the world by making something cheaper. Truth be known, there isn't any margin worth getting out of bed for in supermarket chocolates.
So what would make me think I have a snowball's chance in hell at making any profit at all in the chocolate game?
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Global Confectioneries Market
January 11, 2011
According to industry analysts as reported on www.prweb.com, the global confectioneries market could reach $186.3 Billion US dollars by 2015.
The confectionery products category contains market data for chocolate, candy, and gum. The emerging confectionery markets are China, India, Indonesia, and the Middle East.
In the future, analysts say that the global confectionery market will be looking for growth in areas of sugarless, low fat and functional confectionery. It is assumed that the consumption of dark chocolate will continue to increase due to the interest in health benefits of dark chocolate.
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