Tag Archive: butterscotch

Chocolate Butterscotch Haystacks Recipe
January 14, 2015
Got the winter blues? These cheery chocolate and butterscotch haystack treats will take your mind to the warm days of summer - sitting outside on the green grass, sipping on iced tea. Thinking about summertime activities gets me through the snowy season. Well, that, and... chocolate.
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Chocolate Butterscotch Swirl Brownies
May 14, 2014
When it comes to chocolate dessert, I don't have a favorite. If they were Pokemon, I'd catch 'em all! Right?! Right?! No? Okay. đ moving along...
I may not be able to pick my favorite, but I would say brownies are among the best chocolatey confections. My go-to pick almost always includes butterscotch brownies. I can positively murder a batch if I'm left unattended with them. Yup, these brownies are mah jam.
Butterscotch Chocolate Chunk Cookies
April 3, 2013
Butterscotch is defined as a type of confectionery with brown sugar and butter as the main ingredients. The authentic recipe for "making Doncaster butterscotch is one pound of butter, one pound of sugar and a quarter of a pound of treacle, boiled together.", according to "Housewife's Corner" and Masluk Cream Co. in an 1848 newspaper.
Butterscotch shares some characteristics with toffee. However, with butterscotch, the sugar is boiled to the soft crack stage, and not hard crack like toffee. The term âbutterscotchâ usually refers to delicacies with the flavor of brown sugar and butter together, even sans the actual confection butterscotch. Nowadays, butterscotch is considered a flavor, just like caramel.
We are all familiar with butterscotch anything, and many of them are only rip-offs, and the flavors donât even match the real deal! Now that you are bound to know how to make butterscotch, please steer clear of artificially flavored treats! :p