Personalized Chocolate – M&Ms®

Did you know that the surface off m&ms® can be customized?  You can get personalized writing or even have a picture imaged onto the surface.  Personalized chocolates can be a neat gift idea for the right occasion.

What a great way to celebrate a special event like a wedding (imagine a photo of the bride and groom), birthday, graduation, anniversary, or even a holiday!  Or you could use it as a promotional item for your business with your logo on each m&m.

Start out by picking your favorite m&m color.  There are currently 20 different color choices ranging from various shades of white to all the usual m&m colors, to aqua, light pink, and a shimmering golden color.

Then, depending upon the option you choose, you can upload your favorite photo, most likely in whatever format you can pull off your digital camera including .jpg, .bmp, and .tif formats.  The higher the resolution the better you'll see the detail.  Or enter the text you'd like to have displayed.  Or select and upload a logo.

Once you have the m&m designed then you can even pick out the packaging; bags, boxes, and tins round out the selection.  In the case of a business promotion you can get packaging that is personalized to the business extending the promotion beyond the candy.

For those of us who have enjoyed m&ms since our childhood, the personalization makes them just a little bit more "ours."

This is really cool!

To  learn more about all the different options, and a discount offer, click here:

Jeffrey Kirk
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