Nói Síríus Icelandic Chocolate

It’s interesting that I should be writing about a chocolate bar made in Iceland when on this day, a polar vortex has swooped into Wisconsin bringing temperatures well below zero (it’s -23 F) with record breaking wind chills around -50 F. Hmm, today in the capital city of Iceland, Reykjavík, where Nói Síríus is headquartered, it’s 23 F ABOVE zero!

Tasting Nói Síríus Icelandic Chocolate

Chocolate made in Iceland is definitely a first for me. The bar is a 56% bitter-sweet chocolate with a hard snap and a thick, course texture. I taste earthy notes with subtle spice and coconut. There’s a sweetness of honey and dried fruit. The aftertaste is a mixture of brown sugar and leather.

Unfortunately, I do detect a tiny bit of an “off” flavor – reminds me of food being stored in a plastic bag for too long. Not sure why that would be since the Best By date is set at November of 2019 so it’s well within it’s appropriate shelf life. I’ll chalk it up to my touchy taste buds. Right now I’m breaking off squares and popping them in my mouth with some roasted almonds. Yum!

Nói Síríus is Iceland’s oldest chocolate company, and also the largest confectionery manufacturer. According to their website, at www.sirius.is, they manufacture more than chocolate. In addition to semi-sweet, bitter, and milk chocolates, they also make a variety of caramels, soft jelly sweets, licorice, and breath fresheners.

My chocolate bar has traveled a long way to get to Wisconsin. It should feel right at home in these frigid temperatures.

There are a few different varieties of Nói Síríus bars at Amazon.

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Bryn Kirk

One thought on “Nói Síríus Icelandic Chocolate

  1. avatar Gidget Moore -Hopper

    Trying this Icelandic chocolate bar for the first as I write this comment…its surely a hefty bar and you get 2…at first touch…velvety smooth especially for dark chocolate as it is easy in the mouth…this would be a great bar to make smores or other chocolate confections. I tried the bar because I love their water so much as my late son Eric, Jr. introduced me to this water…he loved it.


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