Eat Chocolate, Slow Down Aging Process

Going grocery shopping? Make sure you add chocolates to your shopping list. Why? I said it a million times, it acts like serotonin in your brain -- it makes you happy! On top of that, the catechins in chocolate help keep wrinkles away.

See to it that you buy dark chocolate with at least 85% cacao, though. Otherwise, the sugars undo what chocolate does. You body may be older than you would like it to be, however you can still do something to slow down the aging process. Here are some tips to heed:

1. Eat superfoods, tasty superfoods

You slow down the decline of the body when you reduce inflammation. So, eat foods that will help you achieve this. Superfoods like berries that contain phytochemicals will help.

Also consider salmon which contains omega 3 fatty acids. These come with promising benefits for the skin, brain, and nervous system. Then there is flax, which balances blood sugar and enhances the skin.

You need not suffer from eating terrible-tasting food just to healthy.

2. Go for a natural sweetness

Refined sweeteners will most likely come with a blood sugar roller coaster. Wean yourself off them, along with refined flour, as these two can bring about inflammation.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to stay away from anything sweet. You can still opt for natural sweetness such as that of fresh and dried fruits. And just so you know, spices such as cinnamon and vanilla enhance the perceived sweetness of a dish.

3. Have protein for breakfast and snacks

Protein is necessary for fighting afternoon sugar or caffeine cravings. Always plan ahead considering what to take to work or wherever it is that you're going.

How are you incorporating chocolate as a healthy addition in your daily diet? Or, if you're not, do you know someone who is? Share your thoughts below!

Joanna Maligaya
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One thought on “Eat Chocolate, Slow Down Aging Process

  1. avatar Napa Valley Chocolate Company

    I took a bean to bar class a little while ago and have these incredible chocolate bars from all different growing regions up to 100%. So now I’ve been eating a small section each evening instead of say a bowl of ice cream.


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