Dillon’s Chocolates: The Wisconsin Bar
June 13, 2016
Residing in Wisconsin my entire life, I recognize what the outside world associates with the state – cheese, brats, beer, and more cheese.
Chocolate, I believe, is not something we're known for.
True, Wisconsin is home to chocolate manufacturers (Nestle, Ambrosia/Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate North America) and lots of small chocolate shops, but you couldn’t say we are known for chocolate.
Dillon’s Chocolates wants to change that. They’ve created The Wisconsin Bar, and according to their website, at www.dillonschocolates.com, they want the world to...
Experience what makes "Wisconsin, the sweetest tasting state in the land!" … you won't find any chocolate candy bar that can compare to "The Wisconsin Bar."
Our "Welcome to Wisconsin" mural printed on each chocolate bar label houses a carefully crafted chocolate bar that is unparalleled in the USA.
I’ve tasted several varieties (there are 8 flavors) of The Wisconsin Bar and, while I disagree that they are “unparalleled in the USA”, I do believe they are a great value for a decent chocolate bar.
Here are some of my observations for a few of the varieties...
The rich dark chocolate Wisconsin Bar has a strong, well-blended chocolatey flavor with a nutty aftertaste. It is on the sweet side, with a subtle notes of honey and vanilla. The snap is very hard and the mouth-feel slightly gritty. The melt is uniform as you eat it, and the aftertaste is pleasantly cocoa.
The dark chocolate with sea salt caramel is, again, on the sweet side. The caramel is smooth and soft. It slides out of the chocolate if you’re not fast enough to catch it in your mouth!
The milk chocolate with almonds has a good balance between the chocolaty flavor notes and the strong nutty flavors of the almonds. The milk does not overpower the chocolate but it is very sweet. So sweet that it masks the milky notes a little bit at the beginning. Nice milky finish, though.
When I bought these bars at my local grocery store, they were three for a dollar. Yes, you read that right – 3 for a $1.00!!!
I am always super skeptical about cheap chocolate. Over the years, I have found a strong correlation between price and my enjoyment of a chocolate. When it comes to chocolate, I live by the adage, “You get what you pay for,” and I often prove it’s true time and again.
I’m going to make an exception to my cardinal rule for The Wisconsin Bar. It’s a pretty darn good chocolate bar for 33 cents!

Yep, for 33 cents less than the cost of "The Wisconsin Bar," you'll get 52 chocolate recipes you can make to impress your friends. This ebook represents some of the favorite recipes we have published over the years.
CLICK HERE to get a FREE copy!
I recently purchased one of your milk chocolate sea salt, with peanuts. The chocolate was so creamy and the peanuts were whole and substantial – distributed evenly throughout the whole candy bar.
WeII made. Thank you for the delectable treat.
Lanette from SE Wisconsin
Woodmans no longer carries this. Where can I get them now?
You can buy them on the company’s website. You can also learn where they are selling them by giving them a call.Contact information is on their website. https://dillonschocolates.com
Most Piggly Wigglys in Wisconsin carry them, all Metcalfes stores, and other fine venues such as LeClare Family Farm, New Glarus Brewery, The Elegant Farmer, Sequins House of Cheese Cheese, Mud Creek coffee, to name a few, or purchase on-line directly from Dillon’s Chocolates, (unfortunately Woodmans decided to stop carrying this fine product, please let them know that you would like to see them carried again), Thank-you,
Patrick R. Dillon
office 262-534-5891
mobile 414-712-9021
Where in Madison can I find your chocolate bars?
One of the very Best chocolates I’ve had at anytime. Bought 3 of each flavor at 59cents each. I’m liking this dark chocolate. 💯 percent!
I hope Woodman’s will continue to stick it.
I first found the Dillons bars at Woodmans, and love the dark choclzte ones ,now I’m in nevada and would love to gret more need to find out how
I bought this candy bar at Woodmans at 3 for 99 cents. I don’t eat a lot of chocolate so when I do it has to be creamy. Not like Hershey and some other chocolates that taste like wax. I’ve had both milk chocolate and dark chocolate with salted caramel. Also both chocolates with raspberry. Wonderful! A comparison would be Godiva but there is no comparison in price. Good job!!