Chocolate Egg Nog

In my experience, either you love egg nog or you don’t.  There aren’t too many people who are on the fence about it, but maybe chocolate egg nog could push you over to the lovin’ it side for good!

Easy Chocolate Egg Nog

• 4 cups dairy eggnog, chilled
• 2 cups cold milk
• 1/3 cup favorite chocolate syrup
• Dash of ground nutmeg 

Combine eggnog, milk, syrup, and nutmeg in a large pitcher and mix well.

It doesn't get much easier than starting with an egg nog base that someone else made.  If you prefer to start from scratch and take all the glory, this second recipe is for you...

Homemade Chocolate Egg Nog

• 6 eggs
• 1/4 cup sugar
• 3 cups milk
• 6 ounces dark chocolate, chopped
• 2/3 cup heavy cream
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 1 tablespoon nutmeg 
Put chopped chocolate into a medium sized bowl and set aside.
Whisk together the eggs and sugar. Whisk in the milk and then pour into a saucepan.  Heat the egg mixture over medium-low heat. Be careful to heat slowly and stir often.  (Don’t heat over 160F or eggs and milk will curdle.)
Pour about ½ cup of the hot egg and milk mixture over the chopped chocolate and let stand; meanwhile quickly pour cream into the remaining egg/milk mixture.
Whisk the chocolate mixture, until smooth and slowly add the egg/milk/cream mixture to the chocolate mixture.
Whisk in vanilla and nutmeg.  Add whiskey or Bourbon if desired. Chill for several hours, even overnight.  Serve cold.


Bryn Kirk

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