Chocolate Chip Butter Cake Recipe
March 11, 2015
Yellow. It's the color of baby chicks, fluffy young ducklings, sunshine, and altogether Spring. It's also the color of butter. Yum. And what is baking without butter?
Butter has served us well for countless years. Thousands of years. It is a culinary treasure as old as King Tut's tomb. Of course, today we make our butter from cow's milk as opposed to camel or water buffalo milk. We also have the convenience of purchasing butter from the store instead of making it in our own backyards.
We've changed the process of making butter, from churning it ourselves to buying it in convenient little bricks from the store, but its importance in our diets hasn't changed.
In many ways, butter also symbolizes Spring - what is good, happy, healthy and pure.
Take your chocolate cake to the next level with this chocolate chip butter cake recipe.
Chocolate Chip Butter Cake
Begin by creaming together butter and sugar, ensuring a smooth consistency. Introduce yolks one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Incorporate the sifted dry ingredients in alternation with milk and vanilla, adding in thirds and ensuring a smooth texture with each blend. For the topping, grate chocolate coarsely, setting aside 1/3 cup for the finishing touch. Beat whites until stiff and fold into batter, add remaining chocolate to batter and mix. Pour in a greased and floured 9x13-inch pan. Sprinkle the top with the 1/3 cup of grated chocolate. Bake in a preheated 350° oven for 40 minutes. |
Enjoy! 🙂
We found an old book and got the rights to publish it for you. Now these 138 recipes from 1909 are available as a digital download. Take a look here.
Photo: "Lamb butter" by Quinn Dombrowski is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 / cropped from original
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