shameless self promotion
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
January 9, 2010
Back in 1909 Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. published a little book called Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes By Miss Parloa and Home Made Candy Recipes By Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill.
The staff here at Chocolate University Online have created a special 100th anniversary edition of this book and released it in a PDF download format.
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American Chocolate Holidays
October 27, 2009
Today I caught myself absent-mindedly jumping from website to website (I think this is the equivalent to channel surfing) when I landed on a site dedicated to listing American holidays. What really caught my attention was the list of American FOOD Holidays. Hey, did you know that each day of the year has an assigned food to worship?
Here are some examples:
- January 16 -- National Fig Newton Day
- February 7 -- National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
- March 23 -- National Chip and Dip Day
- April 6 -- National Caramel Popcorn Day
May 7 -- National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
And so on...
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My Dog Ate My Homework
September 2, 2009
Remember that fun excuse, "My dog ate my homework?" Everyone knew it wasn't true, yet it always made the rounds, year after year, at least in jest if not seriously...
Well, that excuse isn't very good at Chocolate University Online. Since your homework is chocolate, you'd better hope your dog doesn't eat it! We'd hate for you to get behind on your homework tending to a sick dog.
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Chocolate Summer School?
June 2, 2009
The school year is done. Nothing new is on TV. It's too hot to be outside. You don't want to spend another day at the mall. And just sitting around doing nothing in the air conditioning one more day doesn't sound very appealing either.
Is this how your summer goes? While the school year might be September to June (roughly speaking anyway), there's nothing that says you can't start studying something fun this summer. You can get started right now by enrolling yourself in chocolate school!
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Welcome to the CUO Blog
May 19, 2009
Hello and welcome to our blog...
Chocolate University Online is dedicated to chocolate lovers who want to learn more about their favorite food.
As this blog post is being written, our new website is about to be launched. Be sure to take a look at our course offerings, our store items, and get our free ebook.
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