Cacao Juice: Delicious and Nutritious New Drink

As chocolate enthusiasts, I’m sure we are all fairly familiar with cacao beans. I mean, they lead to the delicious chocolate we eat every day! But did you know that the fresh white pulp that surrounds these precious beans makes a tasty juice?

Let me introduce you to Cacao Juice, a 100% natural and nutritious juice made from the flesh that covers cacao beans. I know this sounds a little wild and you might be wondering what this concoction tastes like. Well, it definitely doesn’t taste like chocolate. Imagine a pineapple, a green apple, some pears and citrus all combined together. Cacao juice bursts with tropical, tangy flavors. 

Cacao farmers have always known that this pulp is delicious and nutritious, but the chocolate industry has never really shown interest in producing and selling this refreshing fruit juice. A company called Pacha de Cacao in the Netherlands has made it their mission to introduce the world to Cacao Juice. 

How about I answer some of the pressing questions I’m sure you have...

How is this made? When cacao farmers collect and open the cacao pods, the beans and pulp are removed and separated. The beans head to one section of the factory (the wonderful chocolate section) and the pulp is sent in a different direction. Here, the pulp is squeezed, pasteurized, and mixed with water...that’s it! Not only is it rather easy to produce, but it’s also quite good for us. 

So how is Cacao juice good for you? First of all, it’s 100% natural! No additives, no extra sugar, and lots of vitamins and minerals. Phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B are just a few of the many, and this combination provides a gentle boost of energy. It helps with wakefulness, lowers blood pressure, and is a mood-uplifter. Sign me up!

One thought on “Cacao Juice: Delicious and Nutritious New Drink

  1. avatar Beatrice Leialoha Kaleikini

    Just exciting news for patients dealing with blood pressure.
    100% even better.


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