Chocolate Makes You Slimmer?

It may sound too good to be true, but according to a new research, chocolate can help people slim down. The study has shown that those who have frequent consumption of chocolate possess a lower body mass index (BMI) as compared to people who don't. Body mass index is the ratio of weight to height, and this indicates the body's fatness.

The results were discovered in spite of the fact that people who eat chocolate more frequently tend to have more calorie consumption, and these people didn't make up for it by exercising.

Research has it that chocolate may contain something that makes the calories from other food you eat less likely to be stored as fat. This was according to Dr. Beatrice Golomb, associate professor in the department of medicine at the University of California, San Diego.
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Is Expired Chocolate Still Good?

Recently I received a question from a reader wondering if a rather large supply of chocolate, 2 years past expiry, would still be good to use. 

It's a good question.  And it doesn't really matter the quantity of chocolate.  Here's my answer...

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Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

The craze about chocolate-covered raisins started in 1927 when Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company of Philadelphia first released these delectable treats. Nestle acquired then owner Ward-Johnston, the manufacturers of Raisinets, Bit-O-Honey, and Sno-Caps, just to name a few. Raisinets are made out of sun-ripened California raisins covered in Nestle milk and dark chocolate.

Raisinets have always been a hit to moviegoers. They pair it with popcorn, and they rave about the combination of sweet and salty taste. Some decades back, you could buy a box of Raisinets for a nickel. They used to sell Raisinets by weight from jars in candy stores. These days, you can get single serve pouches for on-the-go snacking, stand-up bags that are perfect for sharing, as well as theater concession boxes.
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Cocoa Shell Mulch

Did you know that the outer covering of the cacao bean, called the cocoa shell, can be used for mulch? Gardeners everywhere are raving about it.

Cocoa shell mulch is also known as the Sunshine of Africa. It's actually just a byproduct of chocolate industries coming from the cocoa beans. The shell contains 2.5% Nitrogen, 1% Phosphate, and 3% Potash with a pH of 5.8.

Cocoa shell mulch serves as all-purpose mulch for professional gardeners and amateur gardeners alike. It can be utilized by landscapers and horticulturists, as well. It is great as decorative mulch due to its nice-looking deep copper color. Its rich color pleasantly contrasts with the vibrant green color of plants.  And, it smells great too!
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Chocolate Mint Brownies

Chocolate and mint never fails to make a good combination, whether it be used in drinks, candies, and so on. This time, we'll be using the choco-mint flavor in the treat we all love. Brownies!

Brownies can either be "cake-style" or "fudge-style." Cake-style is that with the consistency of a cake, only richer and denser. On the other hand, fudge-style, true to its name, is more like fudge than cake.

While sometimes used even in beauty products, mint is mostly utilized in the culinary department. It is often used in beverages, syrups, ice cream, and chocolate candies.
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Chocolate for Stress Reduction

According to dietician Silke Restemeyer, who works for a nutrition association in Germany, chocolate does lift the spirits. "Chocolate contains a lot of tryptophan and fat. These constituents ensure that increased amounts of the neurotransmitter serotonin are produced in the brain, and this is what causes the happy feelings," she said.

A lot of individuals associate chocolate consumption with positive memories during childhood. The sensation of chocolate melting in your mouth elicits a warm feeling. That can actually provide you with temporary distraction from the worries and stress of daily life.

However, this pleasure lasts only for a while. "After all, you can't eat that much chocolate for it to have a sustained beneficial effect - and nor should you," Restemeyer said, citing the high fat and calorie content of chocolate.
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Chocolate Wine

Andrew Browne, founder of chocolate wine, said: "We thought the market would be female and young, but we’ve found that it has much broader appeal," Be it men or women, and even older and experienced wine lovers, people are raving about the product.

The Chocolate Shop is a brand owned by Washington-based Precept Wine. It was introduced January last year in the U.S. with the use of a Bordeaux blend coming from California, with some sugar and natural chocolate added.

"We called it the chocolate lover's wine," says Browne. In the UK, it was released last November. Here the product would be classified as an "aromatised wine-based drink".
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Magnesium-Loaded Cocoa Beans

Maintaining a good health can be particularly tricky in this day and age. With all the processed and cholesterol-loaded food available in the market, it gets all the harder especially when the less healthy stuff is a more accessible and affordable option.

Having healthy foods as a staple in your diet is key. Cocoa beans, for one, pack a lot of nutritional benefits. Did you know that the cocoa bean is the richest source of magnesium in nature? You read right. What is magnesium, by the way?

Magnesium is a mineral that plays a significant role in your health, and it's actually contained in several parts of your body. To enable your body to absorb the ingested calcium properly, there should be enough magnesium available. A lot of individuals take calcium supplements and fail to realize that magnesium is required for optimal calcium absorption. That being said, you can consume cocoa along with the calcium supplements that you are taking.
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Rocky Road Candy

Just because you are no longer a little kid doesn't mean you can't have those out of the blue candy cravings. It happens to each one of us from time to time. The force may be strong in some people, but others just can't resist the allure of a delectable piece of chocolate candy!

Rocky Road has always been exciting and interesting as it gives you the softness and sponginess of marshmallows, the crunch and subtle saltiness of peanuts, as well as the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of chocolate!

Below is a recipe you can make for yourself or share with your loved ones. Just don't go overboard with the munching, albeit difficult.
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Salty Chocolate

Salon du Chocolat, the largest trade fair devoted to chocolate, takes place every November. A unique fashion show is part of the event in which models walk down the runway wearing little but chocolate. Last year, there were chocolate basques and skirts, gowns imbedded with truffles, and even handbags made out of 70% cocoa solids.

The rest of us eat chocolate instead of wearing it, but there will always be a strong connection between chocolate and fashion. Chocolate never goes out of style. However, the forms in which we want to consume it incessantly change.

The latest trend for chocolate is to taste salty. Odd, eh? During the late 90's, chocolate combined with chilli was all the rage. Today, the combination of chocolate and salt seems to be in. It is said to have started around 2003, the time Gerard Coleman of Artisan du Chocolat devised sea-salt caramels which are tiny orbs of salty toffee covered in dark chocolate and dusted in cocoa.
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