Health Buffs, This Chocolate Is For You

Since day one of my life, well pretty much the day when I started to care about life in general, I have never managed to drag myself into being body-conscious.

I’m not sure if that is totally bad, but I know it is not the best trait to brag about. I guess the closest thing I have had to physically demanding activity were the physical education classes back in school (which I had no way out of because my grades were at stake), the different dances I joined in (for the sake of social programs), and a number of jogging mornings with friends (just for the reward of doing breakfast afterwards).

This may sound awful, but as embarrassing as it may sound, I just didn’t consider it as a priority.  For this I am thankful for this body my Momma gave me. Haha. I just had to insert that.
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Hershey’s Syrup With A Sprinkle of Violation

Just like everyone else, I go through the toughest of days. I wake up in the morning with my head feeling heavy, and I become as lazy as can be. I encounter all kinds of mishaps all in one day. During those days, I almost think that when God showered the world with bad luck, I was there unknowingly waiting with arms wide open.

Still, I always find a light at the end of the deepest tunnel. Somewhat of a superhero who is ready to rescue me when I am pleading for help. To cut the chase and the poetry lines, a girl like me succumb with sadness and depression only resorts to one thing. And that one thing that effectively fights my battles for me is chocolate.
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Eat Chocolate and Do The Math

Not to brag, okay, to brag... Ever since childhood, I’ve always liked numbers. I was even involved in the Mathematics’ Trainers Guild back in the 5th grade.  Only the chosen few were, and I happen to be part of it. As a matter of fact, I even competed in math competitions during those days. Ahh… Glory days.

Even in high school and in college, I kicked butt at Math. I loved numbers almost as much as I loved writing. You had to go through reading that self-absorbed story I have about Math because it has something to do with chocolate, like always.
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Deep Chocolate Cupcakes

We all have our foolproof ways of comforting ourselves whenever we experience less than divine moments. For the most part, food always comes in handy, comfort food to be specific.

Cupcakes nowadays have an array of patterns, designs, and whatnot. But I just want to drive home the fact that chocolate cupcakes have been, and will always be, a hit.  Simple, but it does the trick.

You could even play with this recipe and put some designs on top, say, a shark fin! That would be a delightful and delectable way to celebrate Shark Week.
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Shift in Chocolate Production

In this cutthroat world, companies have to work their tails off  to reach the top. If the top is too much to ask, then it's good to at least keep themselves afloat.

It may be such a tearjerker, but I guess everyone is aware of the widespread economic recession going on. Even the giant countries are not lucky enough to be given immunity. Everyone is at risk including the production of cocoa!

Pardon me for wanting to start this article on a serious note. Because for an aficionado, anything and everything that involves chocolate must not be taken for granted. But do not worry because I will not bore you with that. Heck no.
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Chocolates Make Australian’s Most Trusted List

As sexist as it may sound, they say that behind every successful man is a strong woman. Similarly, as conceited as it may sound, behind every successful industry or business is a number of loyal consumers.

Admit it, no matter how good quality a product is, or how promising the offered services are, if you do not have people who patronize them then you have next to nothing.

It comes naturally that the performance of various industries be rated by the consumers themselves. In the recent survey conducted among Australian consumers, they came up with the list of the most trusted products and brands.
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All Hail Mighty Cheesecake

Cheesecake, oh I just swallowed my saliva right there. You are the ultimate culprit behind the smiles painted on our faces--especially on mine, most of the time. I swear by this cake, and I crave it even when I have it in my mouth.

Cheesecake is perfect with coffee in the morning, with an orange juice for lunch, and hot milk before going to bed. But if you cannot get enough of it like yours truly, you can still sneak in a few bites during snack time.

Cheesecake also has that magical taste that comforts longing hearts and tired bodies. Seriously, I may sound animated and overboard, but I dare you to try one for yourself and I would sashay away saying I told you so.
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Chocolate Gravy

I know, the first thing that comes to your mind after hearing the word gravy is the delectable sauce placed over potatoes and steak. However, there's another way to enjoy it, chocolate-style.

Chocolate gravy is a dessert sauce that you can use on biscuits, ice cream, and cakes, among others. It's a surefire way to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings. For a more elegant touch, put it in a gravy boat when serving.
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A Cow’s Best Friend?

As the old adage goes, a diamond is a girl's best friend. It could be in a necklace, earring, ring or whatever form of jewelry, as long as it's made out of diamonds, then that will be a sure hit for the ladies. Is that true?

No offense, but I believe I am entitled to my own, honest opinion. I say it's best to scratch that thought, at least when you're referring to women in this day and age.

Some women might be blinded by the glitters of these crystals, while others get taken aback when they see how good diamonds look when worn with the perfect little black dress. That used to be the case, but it's a thing of the past. Diamonds are no longer our best friend, chocolate is!
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Chocolates Are The Bomb

Upon seeing the title, I bet you immediately assumed that I was just describing how head over heels devoted I am to chocolates and that I went all metaphorical.  You would think that I formulated this catchy title in order to lure you into reading.

Well, now that you started the second paragraph I can say that the reading goal is met. But really now, chocolates are totally the bomb. Ask the Nazis and they will tell you why.

I cannot believe I'm saying this about the people who painted our world's history with tragedy, but the Nazis were pretty creative. I would like to think that the term "death by chocolate" was coined from their efforts.  If you don't like gruesome tales, then maybe now is the time to stop reading and click on the ad at the top of the page.
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