Cookies and Cream Truffles

Cookies and cream are a match made in heaven, yes. It's like they're made and meant for each other. Anyone who gets a taste of this combination almost never forgets it. Yes, I see you nodding in agreement.

Cookies and Cream (or Cookies 'n Cream) is actually a specific variety of ice cream and milkshake which is based on flavoring from chocolate cookies. It has been dubbed as the "King Kong of Ice Cream" as it was able to rocket to the top of the World's Favorite Ice Cream Flavor list when it was released.

Now here’s a recipe of this beloved pairing made into a truffle.
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Strawberry and Chocolate

It is a nice fact that chocolates are numerous and come in different varieties and types. With many creative ideas and thoughts that people spend on creating these treats, you wouldn’t have a hard time looking for something to give to your sweet-toothed friend. In my opinion, this is  really a good thing to ponder upon and a worthy topic to be talked about.

Chocolates are such a craved-for treat. Craving sweets is a natural trait among people. Unfortunately, it sometimes gets out of hand and people wonder what steps they can take to stop craving sweets. (If you're in this category, you're at the wrong website.)
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Hotdog with Chocolate Eclairs!

Many events and occasions around the world are characterized by monumental happenings such as appearances of world famous actors and actresses.  Often times, unique and sometimes bizarre food and treats. This is true in different countries and through varying cultures.

The recent Canadian National Exhibition showcased a wild yet enticing new treat.  While millions of Americans were preparing for their Labor Day celebrations with the idea of enjoying hotdogs on the grill, a Canadian company elevated the traditional sausage in a bun experience to a new level.  They created a hotdog entirely wrapped in a chocolate éclair!  What!?
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Origins of the Ice Cream Sundae

The ice cream sundae is typically comprised of a scoop of any ice cream and topped with a sauce or syrup.  In some cases other toppings are also included.

ice cream sundaeAccording the dictionary of Oxford English, the origin of the term is really obscure.  It is generally accepted was derived from the word Sunday and from the German name of Sonntag, which means Sunday.

Many stories of origins are considered to be its original source, and 3 of them are considered to be the most reliable stories.  Here they are...
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Chocolate Christmas Candies

Ah, the air is turning colder, the month ends in "ber", and surely the department stores are already making plans and clearing space for the big displays.  Yes, it's time to talk about Christmas!

As a kid, I was always giddy with butterflies in my stomach every time Christmas time was just around the corner. Who doesn't like Christmas?! Unless, of course, you have this weird idolatry with the Grinch. If that's the case, you better click your way out now. :p
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Mars Seeks a Disclaimer

There are a lot of patented and trademarked foods made by multinational companies and sold around the world.  But sometimes, they get used in ways that the companies don't intend.   For example, Mars chocolate bars are being deep fried to give them a whole new taste and appeal to a new market.

A shop located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, called Carron Fish Bar has been claiming for years that it was the place of origin of deep fried Mars bars.

The Mars company has openly stated to the public, and owners alike, that serving their product fried totally deviates from the principles of healthy living that the company stands for.
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Chocolate Reduces Risk of Stroke

It has come to my attention that people have been living and leading healthy lives in the past few years. They have been eating responsibly, stopped smoking and drinking, sleep for plenty of time, and exercise regularly. This is really a good news for people who have been plagued by health-related diseases that restricts them to be the best persons they can be.

In a recent study, researchers have found out that eating a healthy dose of chocolates every week was indeed associated and linked to a reduced rate of stroke incidents particularly in the male-side of the populace. (If you are a lady who loves the men in your life, then the consideration of buying them chocolates is really a good idea.)
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Lollipops: Humble Beginnings

Lollipops are a sweet treat, loved by adults and children alike all over the world. They are available in a variety of colors and flavors, often fruit flavors, but there are also chocolate-flavored ones.

With many companies competing to create and distribute lollipops, the candy has become available in many different shapes too. They range from small ones that can be purchased in bulk and given away as mini gifts, to large ones that are made with candy canes twisted into a circle.
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Hot Chocolate

Winter is coming. Dang. That felt so good! I‘ve been wanting to say that and actually mean it since I just recently hopped on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. If you happen to be as crazy about the series as I am, telepathically highfive me!

Again, winter is coming. It will get nippier by the minute outside. Wouldn’t it be nice to just stay in the house and feel all snuggly with a cup of good ol' hot chocolate in tow? And a good book wouldn’t be so bad, either.
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Chocolate Losing To Cocaine?

Colombia is often viewed as a large supplier of narcotic drugs to the USA. It turns out that cocaine has surpassed chocolate as being the more "in demand" product from that country.

Part of the problem is that cocoa bean prices have really hit a downward spiral, dropping 40% in 2012 alone from Columbia which is the third-largest supplier in South America. While the prices for cocaine has been rather constant and stable, as stated by both the police and growers alike.
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