Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

The number of oatmeal cookie recipes probably equals the number of all the cookie bakers on the face of the planet. Yup, I know it, you know it, we all know it. It’s not exactly a rare treat. However, it never ceases to make us yearn for more.

Oatmeal's reputation in the health department is pretty much established already. It's particularly known for being good for the heart. It’s just as good in lowering cholesterol and stabilizing sugar in the blood. It's not too shabby in helping boost the immune system, either.
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Hershey’s Going All Out for Certified Cocoa

It takes a lot of perseverance to be on top. Whatever aspect you may think of, this thought applies to that. Success, fame and wealth is sweet. Most especially for the largest chocolate manufacturer in North America, Hershey’s.

Hershey’s is one of the most well-loved brands. I know I do. It has been on heights and is still soaring up as the years go by.

To add more to its awesomeness, a statement from them released October 3, 2012 stated that by the year 2020, 100 percent of its cocoa will be from certified sources. I can just imagine the overflowing chocolates, but more so the big help in can give to the small scale cocoa farmers of West Africa.
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Chocolate Cranberry Cake

Chocolate and fruit pairing has become commonplace, and the reason for it is simply because chocolate and fruits generally go scrumptiously well together. Chocolate and cranberries are a good example.

Some say there are only three common fruits that can trace their roots back to North American soil – the blueberry, the Concord grape, and the cranberry. (I thought that was interesting, but whether this is actually true or not, is irrelevant to this post.)  Today we're considering the cranberry.

The cranberry is flexible in its use. These fruits are often served on Thanksgiving and Christmas tables, but could and should be consumed every day! Not only do they taste divine, cranberries are also known for their nutritional benefits such as vitamin C. They are also packed with antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
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201 Fun Chocolate Facts

Well this is exciting.  The staff here at Chocolate University Online has recently released an ebook exclusively for the Amazon Kindle.  It's called 201 Fun Chocolate Facts.

If you previously downloaded our ebook 101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate you've seen some of the material that went into this new book.

We greatly expanded and enhanced the content while adding a chocolate trivia quiz at the end so that you have questions you can use to stump your friends.
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Added Awesomeness To The Already Awesome Chocolate

Did my title just scare you? Please, say it didn't. I may come off as a chocoholic who worships chocolate and its overall greatness. Well, yeah, that is actually true. But heck. I am sane enough to be writing this for you. So, welcome, and go on with your reading, and you will perfectly understand why I am just this appreciative when it comes to chocolate.

Lots of things have already been said about chocolate when it comes to its beneficial effects to the human mind and body. Little did we know that further studies and research are being conducted in order to lengthen the existing long list of the good things about it.
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Chocolate Brandy Cream

Here is an honest-to-goodness cream recipe. It involves two ingredients that hold a special place in my heart, chocolate and brandy. The luscious taste of chocolate, vanilla, and brandy all combined is totally head-tilting good.

This rich-flavored chocolate brandy cream recipe will definitely sweep you off your feet. It has the mouth-watering taste of chocolate mixed with a little vanilla essence and, of course, brandy. Then the chocolaty mixture folds into a rich cream and is chilled to perfection.

You can use this as a garnish for your favorite cakes or pies. Kick your favorite dessert’s goodness up a notch!
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The “Hot” in Hot Chocolate?

Hot ChocolateHave you had your dose of hot chocolate today? I had mine and it was all sorts of yumminess.

I am not your typical morning person who opens her eyes the moment the sun shows up. In fact, I am the type who curls myself up in bed and extends a few more minutes.  But once I hear my tummy rumbling, begging for food, I summon all my might to pull myself up to grab my energizer buddy, the hot chocolate.
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Sour Cream Chocolate Cake

Even when your cake's icing has no butter in it, it should still sweep you off your feet.

There is a great cake that focuses on sour cream and melted chocolate, in both the cake and the frosting.  And I had this Sour Cream Chocolate Cake recipe all set to go out to you today.

It's wonderful!  You are bound to experience the silkiest icing ever as it glides onto the cake wonderfully.  You could actually have the whole thing frosted in a jiffy and it’s most likely going to turn out stunning!
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Chocolate Helps Jennifer Hudson Reach Ideal Weight

It's probably safe to assume that you know Jennifer Hudson, an American recording artist, actress and spokesperson. It’s fairly well known that she went from a size 16 to a size 6.

You’ve heard it before and you’ve read it before, especially if you were able to stumble upon my previous blog posts. According to recent studies, chocolate can actually aid individuals who are looking to shed some unwanted pounds. Research has shown that people who frequently consume chocolate have a lower body mass index (BMI) compared to those who don’t. Body mass index is the ratio of weight to height, and this indicates the body’s fatness.
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The Origins Of Ice Cream

Ice cream is often called "The Greatest American Dessert." Although the product is usually American, the United States cannot claim its origin and source.

Ice cream is a frozen dairy dessert made from cream or milk, often combined and manufactured with other flavors and fruits. Most of the time it contains sugar, though sometimes other sweeteners are used.

The chosen ingredients are stirred slowly while the product is being cooled.  This allows the air to be integrated and prevents the forming of ice crystals. The result is then a smooth, semi-solid foam that is highly malleable and can easily be scooped.  I'm drooling just thinking about it.
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