Avoid Eating Too Much Easter Chocolate

A recently published research paper by the Birmingham team in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that zeroed in on attentive eating, claimed that paying attention to what one eats helps in developing control over one’s appetite.

A lot of people are on a chocolate shopping spree now, considering we are nearing Easter. To some, chocolate is a mere indulgence, but an enjoyable one. To others, it’s a root of guilt over cheating on diet.

Dr. Suzanne Higgs, from the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham, said, "People make many decisions every day about what foods to eat and how much to eat. These decisions are made easily and seemingly without much thought. Yet underlying these choices are sophisticated psychological processes that can be easily disrupted, especially if we are distracted by other demands. So it is perhaps no surprise that we sometimes eat more than intended."

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Peanut Butter Banana Brownie Pizza

Pizza, along with cheeseburgers, is my weakness. However bad it is, it's still pretty good! Haha but since chocolate is our superstar, we might as well roll them into one.

Sweet treats are everywhere, and they never fail to sweep people off their feet. We just can't get enough of it that even savory dishes, like pizza, have their chocolate-y counterparts.

Instead of using vegetables to make the pizza filling and topping, you go for sweet ingredients. The young ones will surely have a blast!

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6 Year-old Boy Writes A Book Called “Chocolate Bar”

If you haven't heard about "Chocolate Bar", the book, now is the time because the story itself is "chocolate bar", the expression.  Got that?  Read on (and watch video below) to learn more.

For a first grader, Dylan Siegel has gone quite far just to help a friend. Dylan is a 6 year old from Los Angeles who wrote a book entitled “Chocolate Bar” in hopes of raising funds for research purposes. He wants to help his best bud, Jonah Pournazarian, who is diagnosed with an extremely rare liver disease known as glycogen storage disease type 1B. Unfortunately, this disease has no cure.

Whole Foods donated real chocolate bars so Dylan can sell them on top of the book. The sales generated have gone beyond the initial target of $30,000,  and the goal has been increased.  

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Rum Chocolate Cake

I love rum cakes! I love chocolates! Combine the two, and you're bound to have an awesome treat. I love it most especially because it's spiked, and the richness of chocolate just feels like heaven in my mouth.

Rum Cake per se is a rich and moist cake that ages well. Sometimes, it is called blackcake. You can keep it, freeze it, and even mail it because the rum acts as a preservative. Rum cake has been a source of joy for quite a stretch of time now.

Here's a recipe that has the scrumptiousness of chocolate along with the flavor and kick of rum.

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Chocolate Sorbet

People often mistake Italian ice for sorbet. And sorbet is sometimes confused with sherbet.

Some sorbets and sherbets have alcohol in them, and this can lower the freezing temperature, which could lead to softer texture. In Australia and the UK, sherbet means fizzy powder, and only the term sorbet is accepted.

While ice cream is dairy-based with air copiously whipped in, sorbet doesn't have any of those, creating a dense product bursting with flavor. Sorbet is served as a non-fat or low-fat alternative to ice cream.

Here's a chocolaty version of it!

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Chocolate Beer In Chocolate Glass? Yum!

I love chocolate, and I love beer. Since I've always been blabbering about my undying love for chocolate for days on end, let me share with you the thing that part of my loyalty lies, and it's with beer.

I may be a girl, but I'm the kind of girl who loves to drink. I drink with my girl friends (friends who I have known since I was like 5 years old) every week. And when I say every week, it's every freaking week! It's like a pact, but we never really talked about it. We just get together once or twice (even thrice) a week. Cold beer always comes in handy, ALWAYS. Aside from the kick we get, we swear by beer's flavor. Both combined and long, almost relentless yet fun, conversations are fueled.

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Black Forest Pudding Cake

Black Forest and Black Forest cake (American English and Australian English) are the English names for the German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, which literally means "Black Forest cherry torte". Hard to pronounce, but easy to make! Before I give you a recipe, let me share with you some fundamentals about Black Forest.

For the most part, Black Forest cake is composed of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer. The cake is then decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, as well as chocolate shavings. This recipe has the lusciousness of pudding to boot!

Typically, Kirschwasser (a clear liquor distilled from tart cherries) is added into the mixture. However, other liquors, like rum, can also be used. German statutory interpretation deems Kirschwasser a compulsory ingredient, or the cake can’t be legally marketed as Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. Interesting, eh?

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All-You-Can-Eat Chocolate Diet?

There are diets that most, if not all, of us are accustomed to, and the Mediterranean diet chooses to go a different way. People in this diet can eat nuts and eggs to their heart’s content, and even chocolate! Provided it contains more than 50% cocoa. It allows them to have as much fish, seafood, low-fat cheese, and whole-grain cereals as they want.

If you are looking to follow this diet, you must also stick to having olive oil, which you use on salads as well as cooked veggies abundantly. Also, you must have at least two servings a day of vegetables, with at least one of those servings in the form of a salad, on top of at least three servings a day of fresh fruit.

Legumes, which include garbanzo beans, lentils, soybeans and peas, must be eaten at least three times a week. Additionally, you should eat fish or seafood three times a week, with at least one meal of a fatty fish like salmon, tuna or sardines.

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Pistachio Swirl Fudge

I was browsing my social networking accounts when I stumbled upon this photo of pistachio nuts. I suddenly remembered how I was obsessed with pistachios some years back.

Every time I crave them, and pistachio nuts are nowhere to be found, I almost always throw temper tantrums. Haha, no, really. For the most part, I go haywire when I can't have my chocolate fix, but there was a point in my life when pistachios would make or break my day.

Enough with that. Before I share a recipe that features my beloved pistachio nuts, here are some fun facts you want to know!

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Bite Someone’s Chocolate Head Off

Giving heart-shaped chocolates on Valentine’s Day is so last week.  Well, that's certainly true, since it was last week. 

But here's an interesting twist that comes out of Japan. We all know how high-end their technology can get. A Tokyo design firm offered up its 3D scanner to come up with miniature chocolate rip-off of faces.

KS Design Lab invited certain individuals to get scanned using its 3D body scanner to make silicon moulds in their heads’ shape. Participants then filled it with chocolate to come up with their own unique treat on a stick, mini-me style!

"I didn't actually think it would turn out to look this much like me, so I'm a bit surprised," said Mariya Kawae, 30, who wanted to send out mini heads to her husband and co-workers.

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