Beverly Hills – A Chocolate Tourist’s Dream Destination

Two hours, seven chocolate shops. This is the promise of Great Food Tours’ chocolate tour in Beverly Hills, California.

A premise that begs many questions: What kind of chocolate? What is the dress code? Will there be hillbillies? Can I eat chocolate for two hours and still fit in my pants? Among others.

And as is the case with all adventures, the only way to get answers is to go out and find them.
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Creamy Mocha Fudge

I swear by the combination of coffee and chocolate in desserts. I love the depth of flavor when coffee and chocolate go together. They’re divine even individually, alright. But they just go so perfectly together it’s almost sinful!

I know my friends would go gaga over this, and when I make them several batches I know they just wouldn’t stop until trays are emptied. Indeed, the inventor of mocha should be sainted.
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Q&A: What’s the Big Deal About Lecithin?

Recently a reader asked me the following question. It's a good one, so I wanted to answer here on the blog...

What is the big deal about soy lecithin and if most artisan producers manage to do without it, why don't all chocolatiers?

The big deal about soy lecithin is a combination of science and economics.
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Natural Chocolate Hormone?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is defined as a process where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body: in vitro. IVF is considered as a major treatment for infertility when other measures of assisted reproductive technology have not been successful.
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Super Chocolate Sorbet

Summer is still around, except of course if you’re from the Land Down Under or Antarctica. And I got myself some new appliances the past weekend, ice cream maker included. Yay adulthood! Yay me!

What I’m sharing with you today though is not, I repeat, NOT a heavy chocolate ice cream. This is a sorbet (chocolate and water). Light, refreshing, but very, very rich! I wasn’t really holding my breath for something spectacular when I was making it, but then I took a spoonful… And another one. And another one. It was head-tilting good! And it even got better after freezing.
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Devil’s Food Delight

Anyone will delight in this recipe. The best thing about it is the fact that it’s actually a breeze to make! There's no denying that it tastes sensational, but it also happens to have so many other phenomenal things going for it that I just have to share with y’all.

A good devil's food cake recipe is, without a doubt, one of the most versatile things ever. Think cupcakes for any occasions, chocolate sheet cake for a children’s party, and layer cake for the grown-ups, just to name a few.  Sprinkles and frosting with sugar on top wouldn’t be so bad of an idea, or some whipped cream and some berries, perhaps?
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Can Chocolate Keep You Awake Like Coffee Does?

Do you give in to your nighttime chocolate cravings? Do you nibble on chocolate all throughout the day? Or drink a cup of hot chocolate, maybe? And you wash them all down with coffee? Come bedtime, you're wondering why you’re wide awake when all you did the entire day was run errands and be on the go. Why is sleep not swinging by?
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Chocolate Chip and Orange Muffins

There's something funny about muffins. They can be something nourishing that you eat in the morning, and they can also be an addictive dessert.

As a kid, I often requested muffins for breakfast. My mom always just thought I was trying to practice healthy eating at a tender age, and that I never wanted to leave home with my stomach empty, failing to realize I eat one muffin too many most mornings.
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Chocolate Getting More and More Expensive

Chocolate is comfort food for many people. That fact has long been established. Comfort foods are foods we eat to…well, feel comforted. They bring out positive emotions. That’s what they do. However, they are also known to stir up feelings of guilt afterwards.

In a study of American comfort food choices, men leaned more toward warm, hearty, meal-related comfort foods like steak and soup. On the other hand, women opted for foods that were snack related, yup, like chocolate. Also, the study showed how younger people tend to like snack-related comfort foods more compared to people over 55.
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Snicker Bars

If you still don't know what my favorite candy bar is, you obviously haven’t been paying enough attention. Boohoo.

It’s Snickers®. I’m head over heels crazy about the chocolate, peanut, nougat, and caramel combo. I’ve mentioned it a million times, so I’m just gonna dive in head first and make my own homemade Snickers bars.
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