Chocolate Butterscotch Haystacks Recipe

Got the winter blues? These cheery chocolate and butterscotch haystack treats will take your mind to the warm days of summer - sitting outside on the green grass, sipping on iced tea. Thinking about summertime activities gets me through the snowy season. Well, that, and... chocolate.
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Q&A: What’s the Purpose of Salt in Making Chocolate Bars?

Here's a question I recently received from a reader, "What's the Purpose of Salt in Making Chocolate Bars?"


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Chocolate Pudding to Determine Israeli Vote

Here in the States, we probably take one or two things for granted. Among them, the cost of chocolate pudding! Now, I’ve seen pudding snacks range from $1-4 for a four or six pack of pre-made, pre-packaged, chocolate yumminess. And, I wouldn’t say that’s unreasonable.

In Israel, however, it’s an entirely different story. Israel’s high cost of living is one of voter’s top priorities in the upcoming election to be held in March.

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Guiltless Chocolate Brownies

In the spirit of New Year's resolutions, here's a guiltless version of delicious chocolate brownies for us all. You needn't worry about whittling your middle while devouring these tasty treats!
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Q&A: Can I Use Cooking Oil and Cocoa Powder to Make Chocolate?

Here's a question I recently received from a reader, "Can I use any cooking oil as a substitute for making chocolate bars from cocoa powder?"


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Chocolate Tiramisu Yule Log

Had enough of goodies, treats, and baking this Holiday season? Of course not - how could you! Try this festive chocolate tiramisu yule log recipe to welcome the end of 2014 and the New Year! It's devilishly soft and delicately yummy.
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Communities Turn Chocolate into Charity

Chocolate has been in the news a lot lately. As the holiday season is upon, chocolate-themed events for the benefit of others have been cropping up all over the country. To help spread good tidings and great cheer, I’d like to share a few of them with you this week.

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Boy’s ‘Chocolate Bar’ Book Raises $1M

Suffering from a rare liver disorder, 9 year old Jonah undergoes treatments every few hours. The disease, GSD Type 1b, affects only 500 children worldwide.

GSD Type 1b affects literally one in a million, and is an incurable genetic condition. Those born with the disease lack the appropriate liver enzyme required to turn glycogen into glucose. This means they cannot properly regulate their blood sugar levels.

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Chocolate Christmas Cookie Recipes

Christmas is the time of year for good will, good cheer, and good baking! Have a look at our assimilation of chocolate Christmas cookie recipes. You're sure to find one or two to bring any holiday party host, or to enjoy with friends and family at home! Enjoy...

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Pill Makes Flatulence Smell Like Chocolate

This unique odor cure originates from the creative mind of Christian Poincheval, a 65-year-old artist and inventor from the village of Gesvres in western France.

As stated by Mark Rylander in The Huffington Post’s story, “[Poincheval] has claimed to have solved one of humanity’s most pungent problems.”

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