Chocolate Cake with Rum Spiked Figs Recipe
February 18, 2015
As much as I hope to look outside and see spring's bright, beautiful flowers outside, here in the Midwest, it is still undeniably winter. And what does one crave in the winter? All things rich.

Introduction to Chocolate Snorting
February 13, 2015
Hold on to your seats, America – chocolate bars may become a thing of the past. Is this another post about the rising cocoa shortage? No. There’s this very interesting new trend in chocolate consumption that involves a small, plastic catapult, and your nostrils.

Peanut, Raisin and Chocolate Clusters Recipe
February 11, 2015
Are you one of those people who sifts through bags of trailmix just to pick out all the M&M's you can find? Don't worry, you're not alone - and we won't judge you here.
If you're craving a bit of trailmix goodness - think chocolate plus salty deliciousness, look no further. This recipe will satisfy both your salty and sweet cravings. Read more

Harry Potter Chocolate Certified Fair-Trade
February 6, 2015
Big news from the wizarding world. Just before Christmas, Harry Potter studio Warner Bros. pledged that chocolates associated with Harry Potter will have to be certified fair-trade or be approved by UTZ by the end of 2015, if not sooner. This includes chocolate products sold at Warner Bros. outlets, and through its licensed partners.

Chocolate Mocha Truffles Recipe
February 4, 2015
It is said that the chocolate truffle was created by an apprentice to the French culinary artist Auguste Escoffier during the 1920s.
One day, as his stagiaire (apprentice) attempted to make pastry cream, he accidentally poured hot cream into a bowl of chocolate chunks rather than the bowl of sugared egg he should have aimed for.
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Winter Chocolate Events and Escapes
January 30, 2015
Feeling the winter blahs? You could hibernate with a cup of homemade hot cocoa. But, winter may also be a great time to enjoy one of a growing number of chocolate-related events out West. Below are some ideas.

Chocolate Chip Almond Pie Recipe
January 28, 2015
Almonds have been popular since the early Bronze Age, 3,000-2,000 BC, with evidence of their fruit trees at archeological sites in Jordan, as well as Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt.
The almond seed that we know today has been cultivated over many thousands of years. The first of the almond species were toxic, and produced deadly cyanide upon mechanical handling. Thank goodness our forefathers bred that out of the tasty seeds we enjoy today!
This recipe is a mixture of two of my favorite things - chocolate and almonds. Although I never thought I'd eat another chocolate pie after watching The Help, I think it's safe if you're the one doing the baking!
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3D Chocolate Printer Unveiled at Hershey’s
January 23, 2015
The Hershey’s chocolate company has teamed up with 3D Systems to unveil a 3D Chocolate Candy Printing exhibit at Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, PA. Those who visit the store will be able to interact with Hershey scientists and the new technology to personalize their chocolates.

Low Fat Chocolate Fondue Recipe
January 21, 2015
According to Everything Fondue, chocolate fondue was invented right here in America in the mid-20th century. Although it's difficult to determine who invented it first, anyone who has tried chocolate fondue can vouch that it's an excellent fondue tradition.
Chocolate fondue is one of the last communal dining experiences - one that everyone should try!
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