Built with Chocolate Milk Campaign

During March Madness this year, a new ad campaign, Built With Chocolate Milk, was introduced. It features NBA star Kevin Love, a 6’10” basketball-loving power forward who claims to drink chocolate milk to help him recover off the court.

It’s essential for him to restore his body after games and practices, since there are 82 games scheduled each season, not to mention travel, and only a few days off.

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White Chocolate “Take-Me-On-a-Picnic” Truffles Recipe

Spring provides us with perfect picnic weather. It's not too hot out yet to melt the food, or you, and with any luck the bugs will still be keeping their distance! All you need for the perfect spring picnic is a light jacket and a plan.
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Brookside Dark Chocolate Goji & Raspberry

The Easter Bunny was very generous to me this season.

As the Easter Bunny walked through her warehouse of candy treats (which looked an awful like the neighbor market), rows and rows of sweets began to call me. I mean images of Bryn spring to her mind and she thought, "yes, Bryn would surely love to try this," and, "this is just perfect for Bryn," and, "hey, this is new, I bet Bryn would find this interesting!"

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Easter Chocolate Tester? Sign Me Up!

All those chocolate Easter bunny and egg recipes didn't just fall from the sky. Did you know there are actually people employed to taste test them? What a job, right! 27-year-old Alex Emerson-White was busy taste testing Easter chocolates while you were out purchasing your Easter baskets!

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Old Fashioned “Rainy Day” Chocolate Fudge Recipe

April showers bring May flowers. Unfortunately, they also bring us all indoors. For those inevitable rainy days this month, keep in mind that baking a little something can be a fun way to spend time indoors, and even get the whole family involved. Read more

Extravagant Chocolate Easter Bunny Costs $49K

Has Easter gotten a bit boring to you? All those plastic eggs and pastel decorations year after year. Maybe what you need is something a bit more… extravagant? Not to worry, there’s a chocolate Easter bunny on the market especially for you! Impressive 1.70 carat round brilliant diamonds are used to create the eyes for this year’s most high-class Easter bunny.

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Chocolate Banana Peanut Cookies Recipe

To this day, one of my favorite breakfasts is toast slathered with peanut butter and topped with banana slices. It's a perfect little meal or snack, and the flavors combine perfectly.

The ingredients in these cookies - the banana, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and peanuts - also combine perfectly. If you ask me, they're an excellent choice for sack lunches, because they're sweet, savory and will fill you up. And they're so easy, you could whip them up on a school night!

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Q&A: Definition of Raw Chocolate?

Here's a question I recently received from a reader, "The marketing trend in Australia is RAW chocolate. Does CUO have a definition for RAW Chocolate?"


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Beautiful Giant Chocolate Easter Egg

Easter is just around the corner! Cadbury eggs may be most people's chocolate treat of choice, but have you ever seen a giant chocolate egg? Betty’s Chocolate creates 11 pounds of beautifully decorated chocolate eggs that stand almost two feet high.

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Chocolate Raspberry Marbled Cake Recipe

I dream of summer - flip flops, big straw hats, and green grass. The downtown farmer's market is one of my favorite summer activities.

I enjoy walking the streets on a nice summer day, looking at all the fresh fruits and veggies displayed in a rainbow of colors. That's exactly what this fresh chocolate raspberry marbled cake recipe reminds me of.

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