Pumpkin and Chocolate Recipes CUO

12 Perfect Chocolate and Pumpkin Recipes

It's Autumn, or for us here in the U.S. it's "fall", because leaves fall down. šŸ˜‰

But all joking aside, isn't it just the loveliest time of year? This is my favorite season, mainly because I get to break out my cozy sweaters and tall boots...

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Bavarian Spice Chocolate Cake Recipe for German Unity Day

The Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) is officially celebrated on October 3rd, and has been a German national holiday since 1990, when the reunification of East and West Germany was formally completed.

To help celebrate from afar, test out this Bavarian spiced chocolate cake recipe on family and friends. After all, Germany is responsible for many of the things we enjoy here in the U.S. - Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Siemens, JƤgermeister, Hugo Boss, and the list goes on.

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Clif Organic Trail Mix Bar: Dark Chocolate Almond Sea Salt

CLIFĀ® Organic Trail Mix Bars are certified USDA organic. The Dark Chocolate Almond Sea Salt bar is also gluten free and low glycemic.

According to their website, this particular trail mix bar ā€œis a great tasting snack made with wholesome, organic ingredients. These bars are bursting with organic fruit, roasted nuts and delicious dark chocolateā€. (You can get a 12-pack here.)

That sounds really good, but Iā€™ve fallen for well-written marketing fluff before. What I really want to know is, does it taste good?

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Chocolate Beer Guide CUO

Chocolate Beers to Taste and Love

Is there really anything that doesn't taste better with chocolate?

Beer is no different.

Inspired by our German friends, here's to a happy choc-toberfest! Who's with me?!

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Boston Brownie Recipe CUO

Chocolate Boston Brownies Recipe

Registration for the 2016 Boston Marathon is officially open!Chocolate Recipe CUO

Since Monday of this week, the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) began accepting registrations for next year's 120th Boston Marathon, set to take place on April 18th, 2016.

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Ghirardelli Intense Dark Mango Sunset Bar

Iā€™m a fan of mango, and of course Iā€™m an UBER fan of chocolate...

So when I saw the pairing in a Ghirardelli Intense Dark Mango Sunset chocolate bar, I was looking forward to heavenly bliss.Ā They already had me by "Mango Sunset" (come now, Mango Sunset? I canā€™t be the only one that imagines myself on a tropical beach when readingĀ that, right?)

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Q&A CUO Chocolate Survey Results

CUO Chocolate Survey Results!

We asked, and you answered.

The results are in for our CUO Chocolate Survey, and I'm excited to share them with you!

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Chocolate Chip Bread Machine Recipe CUO

Chocolate Chip Bread Machine Recipe

It's one of our most basic human food groups - wheat.Ā Chocolate Recipe CUO

We've planted, harvested, and eaten wheat arguably since the dawn of cooking.Ā 

For thousands upon thousands of years, we have depended upon this incredible plant to feed ourselves and our livestock...

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Sunny Day Gourmet Organic Cocoa Nibs

A cacao nib is the cocoa bean withoutĀ the thin shell that surrounds it.

Usually nibs are ground to make unsweetened baking chocolate. But more and more often these days, youā€™ll see cocoa nibs packaged and sold in small pieces or bits right in your local grocery store.

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Chocolate Relaxation Techniques CUO

10 Chocolate Relaxation Techniques for Workaholics

Labor day is just around the corner, and we couldn't be more excited.

Isn't it nice to be rewarded with a special day to ourselves each year, just because the nation knows we're a bunch of workaholics?

We don't want to get trapped in the "work is everything" mindset, but it can be hard to slow down and be good to ourselves...

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