Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Chia seed is neutral in flavor but provides the thickening and creates a unique texture in this pudding.

This is the recipe for the pudding I used in my review of Penzeys Natural High Fat Cocoa.

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Penzeys Natural High Fat Cocoa Review

Sometimes I get asked, “Why does cocoa powder come in different shades of brown depending on the brand I buy?” This is a very good observation as cocoa powder comes in a range of colors from light brown to deep brown, from red to black, and many shades in between. 

The general cocoa powder making process consists of squeezing out the cocoa butter after the cocoa beans are crushed into liquid form. This liquid, also known as chocolate liquor or unsweetened baking chocolate, is poured into a hydraulic press.

When the chocolate liquor is pressed, the cocoa butter is separated from the cocoa solids. The cocoa solids become hard cakes of cocoa which are then dried, broken apart, and pulverized into a powder.

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Divine Dark Chocolate with Raspberries

Divine chocolates are made from Ghanaian cacao beans grown by co-operative farmers from Kuapa Kokoo.

Many small farmers own the co-op where they grow cacao in the shade of the tropical rainforest canopy and carefully ferment and dry beans in small batches. The cacao is Fairtrade certified.

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10 Ways Chocolate Is Actually Good for You

Most people like chocolate. For me, this is one food I can survive on!

There is just so much you can do with chocolate. You can have hot cocoa, put some chocolate syrup on your pancakes, have chocolate pudding, soufflés, and truffles, dip your fruit in it, or just have chocolate on its own; the possibilities are endless.

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Larabar Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

According to the LÄRABAR® website, their fruit & nut Bars are Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Non-GMO. They have manufacturing processes in place to protect against cross-contact with gluten containing products.

The ingredients are unsweetened fruits, nuts, and spices that are minimally processed to be as close as possible to their natural state.

I don’t have any dietary reason to eat Larabar, but I have been curious to try one for a long time. So, I picked up a box in my local grocery store.

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Super-Dad Writes To Cadbury About Chocolate

October 28th was National Chocolate Day!

I hope you took a moment to enjoy your favorite chocolate bar, make a fun recipe, or have that first seasonal cup of hot cocoa.

Today, I'm sharing this adorable story of a dad-to-be, his pregnant girlfriend, and her severe chocolate cravings.

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Dark Chocolate Covered Frightened Pretzels Recipe

Halloween is just around the corner!Chocolate Recipe Below

Are you ready for all the spook-tastic holiday fun?!

If you're scrambling to finish a child's last minute costume by hand, or simply don't have enough time to perfect every little party detail, this recipe is for you!

This recipe can be made freaky fast, and it's adorable to boot.

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Perugina Dark Chocolate Limoncello

The Perugina sweetshop began in 1907, in Perugia Italy making sugared almonds.

In 1922, one of the co-founders, Luisa Spagnoli created a confection wrapped in a love note. She called it Baci, the Italian word for kisses. Baci confections are dark chocolate covered gianduia (a creamy chocolate hazelnut center) sprinkled with chopped hazelnuts and topped with a whole hazelnut. They are still wrapped in notes of affection, love and friendship.

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Will It Chocolate? Funny Video Friday!

Good morning, and Happy Friday from CUO!

As you know, we're all fun and games in the world of chocolate. Today, we bring you a video that has an extra dose of funny chocolate humor.

This video is a gem. It made me literally LOL!

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S'more Hot Chocolate Recipe CUO

Toasted S’mores Hot Chocolate Recipe

There are so many ways to enjoy hot chocolate. I bet you could do a 30-day challenge based on trying a different recipe every day!

Chocolate Recipe CUO

Of course, "the classic" is always comforting and tasty. It's my go-to for a late night snack in the colder months.

A steaming mug of hot cocoa perfectly satisfies my sweets craving enough so that I don't devour the whole cookie jar at 10pm. 

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