Guittard Nocturne 91% Cocoa

91% cocoa is an extremely dark chocolate. If you want to taste a multi-bean chocolate blend without the distraction of other added ingredients, then this is your bar!

Actually, there are very small amounts of added sugar, vanilla, and cocoa butter, but considering that 91% out of 100% is pure crushed cacao, these are not much of a contributing factor.

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Goodnessknows Very Cranberry Snack Squares

I picked up a package of goodnessknows® Very Cranberry snack squares at my local Sam’s Club.

Not only did the photo of the squares entice me (dried cranberries, whole almonds, dark chocolate!), but what really captured my attention was the “100 mg of Cocoa Flavanols per serving”.

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Alter Eco Dark Quinoa Organic Chocolate

I like Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). I’ve had it in cold salads and in warm hot dishes. And, just recently, I’ve eaten it crispy and surrounded by delicious dark chocolate!

The Alter Eco brand Dark Quinoa Organic Chocolate bar is absolutely wonderful. The chocolate is 60% Ecuadorian, and the puffed Quinoa is Royal Pearl Bolivian.

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Lindt – Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake

The Lindt line of Hello bars is a new collection of dessert type chocolate bars. I just had my first one, the Strawberry Cheesecake in Milk Chocolate.

Oh the aroma--intense strawberry says, "Hello!"

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The Impact Of Dark Chocolate On MS Fatigue

Study To Test The Impact Of Dark Chocolate On MS Fatigue

A team of UK experts will research the effect of chocolate in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), as a part of its comprehensive research strategy against the disease.

The United Kingdom's Multiple Sclerosis Society is going to fund scientists from the Oxford Brookes University in order to assess whether fatigue, a very common symptom of MS, can be reduced through the consumption of chocolate.

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Choceur Dark Chocolate Munchie Bites

Mmmmm… cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and pistachios - all held together with toffee and a bottom layer of dark chocolate. Yum.

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Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Chia seed is neutral in flavor but provides the thickening and creates a unique texture in this pudding.

This is the recipe for the pudding I used in my review of Penzeys Natural High Fat Cocoa.

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Penzeys Natural High Fat Cocoa Review

Sometimes I get asked, “Why does cocoa powder come in different shades of brown depending on the brand I buy?” This is a very good observation as cocoa powder comes in a range of colors from light brown to deep brown, from red to black, and many shades in between. 

The general cocoa powder making process consists of squeezing out the cocoa butter after the cocoa beans are crushed into liquid form. This liquid, also known as chocolate liquor or unsweetened baking chocolate, is poured into a hydraulic press.

When the chocolate liquor is pressed, the cocoa butter is separated from the cocoa solids. The cocoa solids become hard cakes of cocoa which are then dried, broken apart, and pulverized into a powder.

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Divine Dark Chocolate with Raspberries

Divine chocolates are made from Ghanaian cacao beans grown by co-operative farmers from Kuapa Kokoo.

Many small farmers own the co-op where they grow cacao in the shade of the tropical rainforest canopy and carefully ferment and dry beans in small batches. The cacao is Fairtrade certified.

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10 Ways Chocolate Is Actually Good for You

Most people like chocolate. For me, this is one food I can survive on!

There is just so much you can do with chocolate. You can have hot cocoa, put some chocolate syrup on your pancakes, have chocolate pudding, soufflés, and truffles, dip your fruit in it, or just have chocolate on its own; the possibilities are endless.

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