Chocolate Adventures in England – Green & Black’s

Green and Black's Organic Chocolate.  Have you seen these chocolate bars in the stores and pharmacies of your neighborhood?  Green and Black's is definitely all over London!  G&B is an English chocolate company started in 1991.  The founders "set out to bring to the masses the world's first organic chocolate."  You can visit them at

The Green and Black's 70% Organic Dark Chocolate was the first on the scene.  Since then, the product line has expanded to include more varieties of chocolate bars, baking chocolate, hot chocolate, and ice cream.

Yes - Ice Cream!
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Chocolate Adventures in England – Jaffa Cakes

Tonight I find myself sitting in my sister's flat in London, England eating Jaffa Cakes and sipping Frangelico flavored coffee.  I am visiting my sister and my brand new niece, only 2 days old.

What is Jaffa Cake?

The Jaffa Cake is a British favorite.  The cake is a three layered treat about the size of a cookie.  It is made with a bottom layer of sponge cake, a middle layer of orange flavored jelly, and a top layer of rich milk chocolate coating.
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Chocolate and Romance: A Great Pairing

No one knows for sure how St. Valentines Day became synonymous with romantic love. There are a number of theories, but that is not really important.  Once the tradition got started, all kinds of things naturally presented themselves as part of the language of love...

Like chocolate, for instance.
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Trader Joe’s Milk and Dark Chocolate

The bright purple wrapper of Trader Joe’s Organic Super Dark Chocolate and the equally bright pink packaging of Trader Joe’s Swiss Milk Chocolate certainly catch the attention of shoppers lining up in the check out lane.  But what really got MY attention were the claims on the label.

The organic, 73% super dark chocolate bar reads “this bar is not for the faint of heart.”   The Swiss milk says “incomparable flavor!”
Hmmm. Sounds like challenges I can’t ignore!

In order to collect as much data as possible, I took the bars to the office and shared the tasting experience with my work mates. 
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Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Have you ever cut corners while cooking?  Ever used short cuts that the original recipe had you make from scratch? 

I have.  And why not?  Most often those “changes” don’t affect the final product and it saves lots of time.  Yes, sometimes I even buy frosting in a can (shhh, don’t tell my kids!).

One thing I have learned from my experience working with chocolate is that there are some short cuts that work and some that don’t.
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Healthy Chocolate

According to the USDA website,, chocolate and cocoa powder contain “hefty quantities of natural antioxidants called flavonoids…..antioxidants are thought to be effective in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke.”

How do anti-oxidants help us?   “Anti”-oxidants counteract the negative effects of oxidation on our bodies.  Oxidation damages cells and tissues.  What is oxidation, you ask?
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Spectacular Chocolate and Coffee Pairing

I was recently introduced to of Seattle Reign a coffee from North Star Fine Coffees.  This morning I sipped a delicious brew of the coffee and quietly ate my chocolate donut, trying to get some work done.

At one point I was rolling the two around my mouth at the same time, coffee and chocolate, chocolate and coffee...  Then I experienced a new flavor emerge as I swallowed. 

This got me thinking about chocolate and coffee pairings!
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Chocolate Cheerios

It has been a while since I had Cheerios for breakfast.  For me, Cheerios was the cereal I fed my toddler to keep him quiet in church, not something I was interested in eating for breakfast.  What got my attention recently is the new Chocolate Cheerios.

According to the Cheerios website, Chocolate Cheerios is “a perfect balance of whole grain goodness and a delicious touch of chocolate taste in every bite.” 

I am a fan of whole grain goodness, but I am even more a fan of chocolate! 
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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes

Back in 1909 Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. published a little book called Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes By Miss Parloa and Home Made Candy Recipes By Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill.

The staff here at Chocolate University Online have created a special 100th anniversary edition of this book and released it in a PDF download format.
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Valrhona Chocolate at the Grocery Store

I dislike grocery shopping.  Yet, once in a while, I do have brief feelings of enjoyment when I discover something unexpected.

During my most recent trip to the store I found myself downright giddy.  My thrill came from a new addition in the candy/chocolate aisle – a line of chocolate bars from Valrhona.  It was like finding gemstones among rocks.

Valrhona is known as a top leader in the world of chocolate, Le Grand Chocolat.  They were founded in 1922 in France.  They have a reputation for supplying the finest chocolate ingredients to restaurants, bakeries, and chocolate shops.
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