Grilling with Cocoa Nibs

From Martha Stewert to Scharffen Berger to the Food Network, it appears that cooking with cocoa nibs is “in”!

And why not?  Besides the great flavor and a nice crunch, nibs have nutritional benefits as well.  Cacao contains antioxidants that are known to reduce blood clotting, improve circulation, and help regulate blood pressure. Antioxidants also protect us from environmental pollutants and help repair damage caused by free radicals.

Cocoa or Cacao Nibs are roasted cocoa beans that have been separated from their shells/husks.  You can buy them in health food stores, or online.

Scharffen Berger is a chocolate company that sells nibs online.  They also have a great collection of recipes, and some of them are listed under the Savory category.  One unique recipe is the nib rub for steak on the grill.
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The Finest Camel Milk Chocolate

No, you did not read that wrong and I did not mistype caramel.

There is something new in the milk chocolate world – one made with camel’s milk instead of cow’s milk! 

According to the Al-Nassma Chocolate website, camel’s milk makes great milk chocolate, and it’s healthier than cow’s milk.
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Categories of Cocoa Beans

The chocolate world divides cocoa beans into two general categories: Flavor Beans (varieties Criollo or Trinitario) and Bulk Beans (variety Forestero).

There are some exceptions to this system, but general speaking this is how the cocoa market categorizes cocoa beans.

The percentage of flavor beans in the total world production of cocoa beans is only around 5% per year.  Virtually all the cocoa harvested is classified as bulk cocoa.
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Cranberries and White “Chocolate” Chips

Maybe it’s because I live in a cranberry growing state that I enjoy them so much...

Cranberries are a frequent addition to my diet.  I sprinkle dried cranberries on my granola cereal in the morning.  I put them in muffins, pancakes, and sweet breads.  I eat cranberries jellied and sauced, in relish and salsa.  After the holidays, cranberries come down in price so I stock up and freeze them to keep them on hand. 

Cranberries pair really well with the white chips in this recipe because the sweetness from the chips balances the tartness from the cranberries.

This recipe is one of my favorites.  Keep one frozen and take it out when company arrives.
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Coffee Candy Bar?

Here is something unusual in the chocolate world, especially since it isn’t chocolate.

Sahagun Handmade Chocolates has  introduced this 100% COFFEE bar that looks like a traditional chocolate bar.

They call it KA-POW!
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“Feel Good” Chocolate that Tastes Good Too

Seeds of Change says their chocolates are “a happy accident” that began as a mission to preserve organic and heirloom seeds from getting swept away by a progressive industrial agriculture.  Their appetite for change lead them directly to chocolate as part of their search for delicious organic food.

My first experience with Seeds of Change came from an organic dark chocolate orange and fig chocolate bar.  The fig flavor comes from fragrant, dried, and chewy pieces of fig; while the orange flavor comes from oil of orange.  The combination is remarkably delicious.  The texture is very unique because the fig not only offers the chewiness but also the crunch of tiny seeds. 
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Chocolate and Beer Pairing – Pale Ales

In the opening post of this series I mentioned that there are three categories of beer that pair well with chocolates.

The third group of beers include pale, bitter beers, such as India Pale Ales.  These also tend to do well when paired with chocolate…

India Pale Ale was created in the 1820’s for the voyages between England and India.  The three month voyage would have to cross the equator twice.  So not only was the journey long, but it was also quite warm.  Since time and high temperatures are bad for beer preservation, typical beers sent to India arrived in very poor condition.
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Hot Fudge Sauce

Summer time is ice cream time – with hot fudge sauce of course!

Wow – it seems there are about as many different recipes for hot fudge sauce as there are types of ice cream to put them on.

From what I can tell (after reviewing many recipes) hot fudge sauce is different from ordinary chocolate sauce in that it’s really a chocolate fudge that never sets.  Cream or milk, sugar, and butter are boiled until thickened so that it gets nice and gooey. 
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Changing Reputation in Peru with Cacao

Peru is not known for growing cacao.  It is better know for growing coca.  The leaves of the coca plant are used in the production of cocaine.  Coca is a much more profitable crop for farmers.  Until now.

The San Martin region, after years of programs promoting cacao as an alternative crop to coca, recently won a prestigious award from the Salon du Chocolat in Paris for growing the most aromatic cacao beans.

La Orquidea is one company in Peru dedicated to growing cacao and producing aromatic, flavorful chocolates.  They keep chocolate production near the fields of cacao and provide well paying jobs for women in Peru.   
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The Spread of Cacao Around the World

I was recently asked about the spread of Cocoa or Cacao trees around the world.

Cacao is believed to have originated in South America.  There is a lot of evidence suggesting that the ancient Maya in Central America were the first to domesticate Theobroma cacao as a crop.

The Aztecs ground cacao into Xocoatl, a chocolate drink used mostly for spiritual and ceremonial rituals.
Hernan Cortés is credited with bringing cacao to Spain where it spread throughout Europe in the 1500’s and 1600’s.
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