Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

The temptation of chocolate-covered anything is indeed hard to resist. And almost anything can be covered in chocolate nowadays so people keep finding out more and more attention-grabbing and out of the ordinary combinations of chocolates and certain food.

I even heard someone jokingly saying, and I am paraphrasing, “I will eat anything covered in chocolate. You can cover a tennis shoe in chocolate and I’d still eat it.” Yes, you read right. Chocolate can certainly get the best out of us sometimes! Haha

Potato chips are one of the most popular and craved snacks enjoyed by many individuals worldwide. It is reportedly one of the most consumed food items next to rice. It is typically sliced thinly and deep fried in oil to come up with crispy potatoes that’s why it is also known as “crisps”.
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A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It’s not like we ever need any encouragement to eat chocolate, but just in case, here’s one: a new study suggests that people who eat it regularly may not only be satisfying their sweet tooth craving, but also cutting down the risk of developing certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke by 37%, 31% and 29%, respectively.

"We found a potential link between chocolate consumption and prevention of heart disease,” said Dr. Oscar H. Franco, lead researcher from the department of public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge in the UK. The studies involved more than 114,000 participants and consumption of both dark and milk chocolate and incorporated chocolate bars, chocolate drinks and chocolate snacks. “At this point, we are in the early stages of research," he added.
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Chocolate and The Invention of Microwave

Chocolate accidentally paved way for the invention of the microwave oven. Scientists during the World War II were primarily experimenting with microwaves wanting to come up with better radar detector. What really happened? Read on.

Radar was primarily used as a military weapon, but it was utilized in other fields as well such as air and sea travel, weather forecasting, among many others. The war was starting to cool off in 1945, but radar work was continuing to be hot stuff.

An American self-taught scientist named Percy Spencer was working around building devices called magnetron for radar sets. He reportedly walked by a cavity magnetron while it was at work.  Spencer reputedly felt some heat and realized that a chocolate bar that he had been carrying in his pocket had melted into a sticky mess.
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Chocolate Fondue

If you are looking to entertain people at a party or any gathering, you need not crack some jokes or break dance in front of a crowd.

Nowadays, chocolate fondues are all the rage, even spicing up an otherwise boring party. Most people swear by chocolates, and what better way to serve it than have it smeared all over other yummy food.

Fondues make a great dip for fruits, shortbread cookies, marshmallows, and even salty snacks such as pretzels. There are endless options for what to dunk into this amusing, warm chocolate sauce. For parties with adult guests, you can even add a splash of a fruit flavored liqueur for that extra kick.
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Chocolate as Part of a Weight-Loss Diet?

Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that one can adhere to a certain diet even while enjoying a daily chocolate fix.

In an experiment funded by Hershey’s, overweight and obese women who were on a strict reduced-calorie diet but still had a bit of chocolate for snacks (of course, provided by Hershey’s) on the side were still able to lose about 11 pounds within four months on average. These women had BMIs ranging from 25 to 43 and they consumed 1500 to 1800 calories per day.

Body Mass Index, also known as BMI, is the measure of weight in relation to height. A person can be called overweight when his/her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; obese is a BMI above 30. A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.
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Chocolate Heaven Since 1911

The title is one of the advertising slogans of Thorntons, a household name in UK for chocolate retailing. The company was established in 1911 by Joseph William Thornton who eventually turned the business over to his sons, Norman and Stanley Thornton. Since then, it has always been Britain’s go-to store when it comes to high-quality chocolates.Thorntons 100 Yummy Years This year, it celebrates its Centenary birthday. And what better way to celebrate their 100th birthday than sharing it with their customers?

The first ever Thortons chocolate shop was opened in Sheffield in the year 1911 and it was called the Chocolate Kabin where you are magically transported into a chocolate heaven as you step inside the store. Today, as a Centenary birthday treat, Thorntons wants to give their customers a chance to experience such delight. They excitedly bring you the recreated Thorntons Chocolate Kabin where a Golden Key to the chocolate factory is hidden. And the lucky winner gets to be Willy Wonka for a day! Isn’t that such a sweet treat?
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Why Women Crave Chocolates

We all have chocolate cravings, but women seem to have stronger desire for it than men do. Why is it so? Research has found that these cravings may be in relation to blood sugar levels, stress and hormonal changes caused by a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Chocolates have sugar and caffeine content and these can alter your blood sugar levels. One reason why we sometimes crave chocolates is because sugar in our blood hits the low levels and chocolates can be a good source of a quick sugar fix.

Eating chocolate never fails to make you feel good and this is due to the  serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that can enhance the mood. This is the main reason why chocolate is a renowned comfort food.
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Chocolate Bananas

When you deprive yourself of something you totally love, you are on the road to a major downfall. Case in point: chocolates. So it is best you think of ways to gratify your yearning when your sweet tooth kicks in.

A banana per se makes for a good dessert as it is sweet by nature. It is also an excellent choice for those who put a premium on their health. A banana alone, though, can get pretty boring.

Stay on track with eating wisely while making it a point to satisfy your sweet-tooth craving. It may sound contradictory, but as with almost all things, keeping it in proportion is key.

Bananas are well-known for their naturally sweet taste, their high content of potassium, fiber and other vitamins such as C and A.
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Chocolate Categories and Pairings

Over the last couple of centuries, the cacao bean been has been used in many different ways such as medicine, as money, etc.  But today, we eat it almost exclusively for pleasure.

There are different varieties of cacao beans and it has been said that each strain has been significantly changed due to its tree’s ability to naturally cross-pollinate, not to mention all the intended hybridization of the cacao bean for the past centuries.

Cacao beans go through a lot of processing to produce the chocolate we all love. They are harvested, fermented, dried, roasted, and ground to make chocolate liquor, which is then further processed into cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
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Chocolate Pecan Caramel and Petite Sirah

Bogle Petite SirahDuring a recent chocolate and wine tasting program, I introduced the pairing of a dark chocolate covered pecan and caramel cluster with a Bogle Petite Sirah. 

Looking for a wine that would work with cluster, I described what I needed and then took the suggestion from a very knowledgeable wine guru.   But up until serving it, I had not tried this particular combination.  This always makes me a bit nervous because I am using something unfamiliar, yet I’m simultaneously excited to try something new.

The pairing did not disappoint!  This wonderful twosome worked great in the tasting and would also be a very satisfying after dinner treat.
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