chocolate latte

Homemade Chocolate Latte Recipe

Chocolate and coffee? Count me in! They are the perfect pair because chocolate balances out the rich and bitter taste of coffee. Here's a quick and easy chocolate latte recipe!

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chocolate quinoa

Dark Chocolate Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Chocolate for breakfast? Count me in. Try this delicious chocolate quinoa breakfast bowl recipe to start your day with a little sweetness.

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Ruby Chocolate

What Is Ruby Chocolate?

Have you heard about the new type of chocolate called ruby chocolate? What is it? And what makes it different from other types of chocolate? Let’s find out.

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chocolate porridge

Dark Chocolate Porridge Recipe

Chocolate for breakfast? Count me in! This chocolate porridge is so simple yet so yummy. It only takes 5 minutes to make in the morning, and it feels like a treat! Check out the recipe here.

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chocolate sauce

Bittersweet Dark Chocolate Sauce Recipe

A simple yet luscious chocolate sauce is a staple to a lot of recipes. You can use it as a chocolate dip, or you can drizzle it onto pastries and cookies. Or, use it for baking! If you are looking for a simple and quick recipe, then this one is for you. Check out the recipe below.

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chocolate stains

How To Remove Chocolate Stains

We all love chocolate, but its sensitivity to temperature can lead to accidents and chocolate stains. And sometimes we don’t notice the stains right away until it’s harder to remove. Well, that’s okay! The good news is removing chocolate stains is possible with a bit of time and effort. Here’s how.

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Dark Chocolate Ice Pops with Espresso

Dark Chocolate Ice Pops with Espresso

Chocolate and coffee are two of my most favorite food in the world. Put them together and you get a match made in heaven! When done right, coffee can boost the chocolate taste making it richer and smoother than silk. You can tell from this that I’m already daydreaming about it!

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Chocolate and Salt

The Chocolate and Salt Combination

We put salt in a lot of our dishes. It tastes great on any food, as well as on chocolate. But where did the sweet and salty combination of chocolate and salt come from? And why do they taste good together? Here's why.

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Chocolate Oat Bars

Easy Chocolate Oat Bars Recipe

Here’s your quick chocolate fix! This chocolate oat bars recipe has that thick chewy bottom and chocolaty fudge top, which is the perfect treat for any day. Chocolate and oat lovers rejoice! Check out the recipe below. 

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Chocolate Pancake

Homemade Banana Chocolate Pancake Recipe

Want some fluffy chocolate pancake? Have some overripe bananas at home? Say no more. This banana chocolate pancake is the perfect breakfast or brunch whenever you need that extra chocolate boost. Plus, you can put those overripe bananas to good use! Check out this quick and easy recipe.

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