Black & White Cheesecake

Did you know that National Cheesecake Day is an unofficial holiday that takes place annually every 30th of July?

Such tradition, which is actually part of a large tradition of an array of food holidays, is not authorized by any presidents. Also, it sadly doesn't possess any congressional records to back its claim up.

However, we know all too well that thousands, or perhaps millions, of individuals from across the country have their own reasons to celebrate this delectable holiday anyway.
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Chocolates In Photos?

Tell it straight to my face that you hate chocolate all you will get is a hearty laugh. I mean seriously, how on earth can a sane person not want that sweet delight melting in their mouths? Come on, you have got to be kidding me. With all the delectable flavors to choose from, with all those cute shapes and pretty boxes to boot, how can anyone resist? Please, tell me.

With chocolate maintaining its popularity over the centuries, there is one thing that’s still taking baby steps and is on the verge of reaching heights...

Instagram, oh you trending Instagram, is an application available on the internet and all mobile phones with Internet access, that enables a person to upload photos and share stories to people over the web.
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Chocolate: Not Your Child’s Best Friend

I was once a little child, innocent and fun-lovin'. All that mattered to me was waking up in the morning and rushing downstairs to play with my toys or go outside the house and play with my friends.

I did not mind what I was eating, surprise surprise. It was my parents' or my guardians' job to prepare my meal. I just thought then that they were adults, thus they should know better about what to give to a child like me with a devil-may-care attitude.

As I grew older and became more aware of my surroundings, I started having a hard time dealing with food. I became an uberpicky eater. I was crazy stubborn. I can even imagine my mom nodding in agreement right now. I would just sit on the couch and watch trash TV rather than staying at the dining table to eat. They would have to run around just to catch me and shove something into my mouth.
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Chocolate Myth vs Fact

In all the years of my existence, there is not one person I know who does not like chocolate. I mean if you dislike this sweet treat then you must be seriously disturbed, right?  Kidding aside, the thought of hating chocolate does not simply register in my mind. But if you really do, then I demand a detailed explanation.

Yes it is true that chocolate contains caffeine, but not in dangerous amounts. You can still enjoy chocolate with only little touches of caffeine like the ones in milk chocolate.

They also say that chocolate is associated with acne. You can put the blame in the natural changes in the body as one ages, or charge chocolate for causing your breakouts. But truth be told, there has been no evidence-based proof that chocolate is linked to acne.
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Cognac Truffles

Cognac truffles are pretty easy to prepare, but they typically require a stretch of your precious time. However, every second will be totally worth it. Follow the directions so as to visualize each step of the process before you even begin, and you're bound to have a successful and astounding result.

This recipe is perfect for the home cook. These cognac truffles could be conveniently whipped up in your home kitchen, but when done right, they could look and taste like they were made by the finest chocolatier.
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Chocolate Recession?

Living in a third world country is not easy breezy. Most of the population has below average income and do not experience eating three full meals a day.  There are definitely no snacks in between!  I am no millionaire, but I have enough to feed myself and still go on and on, even if my stomach could no longer contain it. I just feel sorry for others who are unfortunate.

I have come to realize that not only poor countries suffer from economic problems. There is a saying that the more you soar high, the greater you fall. That is downright devastating.

For the giants of the world, such as Europe and United States, who seem to have all the best in the world, they are also the best targets for the recession that is happening right now. The ones that are affected within these countries are several industries of businesses and banks. Sad to say, my beloved chocolate manufacturers are not exempted. I just felt a tinge of pain in my heart right there.
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South Australians Have Favoritisms

With the mere mention of chocolate, I could almost feel my mouth watering and my stomach rumbling. I may have exaggerated that a little bit, but you get the picture. I'm a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, and chocolate never fails to sweep me of my feet. It's something I yearn for all the time, something I crave in the wee hours of the night. Give me chocolate and you're sure to make me giddy.

However, despite my mad affection toward chocolate, I cannot single out each and every one of them. You cannot blame me for loving anything and everything about chocolate. I guess it's safe to say that I'm not the only one in this. As a chocoholic, I am most certainly aware of some flavors, shapes, and manufacturers. There are different and unique ways of processing them into becoming chocolates oozing with delight. Pardon me for being obsessed and indecisive, but I just want all of them. Well, not all of them, but most of them.
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Chocolates, Drugs Of The Past

Do not let the "drug" word fool you because there is actually more to that than meets the eye. In our current society, we often use drug to refer to illegal chemicals that will cause you a lot of jail time. However, the kind of drug we are about to discuss entails not only benefits to the body but also sweetness to the taste buds from then until now.

Dating back to the days when Mayans, Aztecs, and Early Europeans roamed the earth, chocolates were already within their midst. As opposed to the many variety of chocolates we have nowadays, the most popular for these earlier civilizations was chocolate in the form of a drink.

For the Aztecs, the cacao beans were brewed and drank in the belief that it was an elixir of life. It strengthened their warriors, cured the sick and awakened those who were weak and asleep.
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Cheese & Chocolate Tunnel Cake

I've always been intrigued with the idea of chocolate and cheese pairing. And actually, I'm a huge fan of it. A lot of people out there claim that it's much harder to get right than, say, pairing cheese with fruit, and a lot of time it turns out to be plain nasty. However, when you do get it right, it can be sensational. It happens to be a scrumptious way to end a long day, or just when you feel like having two of the greatest foods humans ever created.

Chocolate and cheese are two uber rich foods, and it follows that a little can go a long way. Try this recipe and savor all the goodness in this pairing.
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Pets and Chocolates Together

When I was still a kid, I remember visiting my aunt just to see her dogs. And whenever I failed to swing by her place, I would just ask my father about how the dogs were doing. I always made him tell stories about them.  It was funny how I always made him enumerate all their names as I was busy trying to memorize them one by one.

With that short story from my childhood alone, you can easily come up with a conclusion that I am into dogs. You are wrong, honey. I am not just into them, I am in love with them. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with dogs. I grew up with dogs around me. I dress them up like Barbie dolls, I run around with them like a real playmate. I sleep and eat with them like they are my own brothers and sisters. From then till now, it has been my lifelong dream to put up an animal shelter for the homeless ones.
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