Chocolate Filled Bon Bons

What’s a bon-bon, you may ask? According to Wikipedia, the term bon-bon pertains to sweets, especially small candies, which are covered in chocolate.

Story has it that these treats' origins can be traced back to the 17th century. Supposedly, they were served at the French royal court. The term was derived from the duplication of the word 'bon,' which means 'good.' Today, particularly in European languages, such term pertains to all candies or small confections.
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Medicating Cough With Chocolate?

It's cold and flu season.  And, if you've been watching the news in the U.S. you've been hearing about how widespread the current flu is taking its toll.

Nobody likes getting sick. At least none that I know of who are still in their right state of mind, most especially me. I am not myself when I am sick. It feels like some dementor sucked out all the life out of me and left me helpless with a feverish feeling, leaking nose,cure a cough with chocolate and noisy cough.
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Frozen Chocolate Banana

New Year almost always comes with new hope, at least for most of us. Some people think New Year's resolutions are ridiculous, while others believe these give them a clean slate. With such, they get to have a fresh new start on whatever aspect of their lives it could be. Among the things that many people want to change every start of the year is their diet.

We all know how crazy our food choices could get during the Holidays, and it never fails to make many of us feel guilty and anxious come January, when their weight starts shooting up. Many of us opt for detoxification, and this recipe might come in handy since you wouldn’t want to deprive yourself of your sweet-tooth cravings. Of course, moderation is key.
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Walnut Raspberry Brownies

Have you heard of the saying “Life is like chocolate, sometimes you gotta deal with nuts.” I can literally relate to this kidder, since I’m currently going through a rough patch with certain people. And I actually deemed them nuts, at least in my brain. However, I know that this too shall pass. I know I must just let things run their course. After all, it’s Christmas time. Nobody likes a melancholic Holiday season.

Wait, this post gets better. What I’m about to give you is something you can certainly serve on your Christmas table, and your friends and family might even give you a standing ovation. And of course, it has nuts (walnuts, my favorite!) and the sweetness and tanginess of raspberry.
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Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Peppermint BarkHere's another holiday favorite by Ghirardelli!  A few weeks ago I blogged about the dark chocolate version of this seasonal chocolate.  The milk chocolate variety is equivalent in deliciousness.
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Miracle Whip Cake

Yep, I know. This cake recipe sounds funny. However, just so you know, it is truly chocolaty, and moist. Yes, it has Miracle Whip in it. The stuff you slather on your sandwich or toss into your salad. Sounds funky? Yes. Decadent and absolutely delish? YES.

You can rest assured that you won’t taste Miracle Whip in the final cake. The cake is not too rich nor is it too sweet, but the icing contributes to the sweet chocolaty punch to it. It’s just plain heavenly.
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Ghirardelli Eggnog

Ghirardelli EggnogAmong the seasonal Ghirardelli chocolates, Eggnog is my least favorite. Don't get me wrong, I do like a unique and interesting flavor in the confectionery arena.

But the chocolate tasting square is white chocolate and extra sweet, which it has to be to offer such a balanced flavor profile between the sweet nature of eggnog and chocolate.
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Chocolate Cutbacks in Europe

Sad stories break my heart. There are times when I hesitate to turn on the television, expecting only to see negative vibes on the daily news program. I know I have to stop being a little girl and act like a wise and proper, mature woman.

But I just recently learned the chocolate industry in Europe is going through tough times. Can you please tell me to act prim the next time. For now, I would just like to sulk and bawl on the fact that chocolate is slowly fading away. No!!!!
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Feast of St. Nicholas Equals Chocolate For Children

The Feast of St. Nicholas is on ode to the known patron saint of children. He is also known as Sinterklaas in The Netherlands and other neighboring countries while he is popular as Santa Claus in the United States and other parts of the world. The day of the feast may vary but it is celebrated on the eve of December 5 or the morning thereafter of December 6. Among the many countries that recognize St. Nicholas are Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, Luxembourg and, of course, The Netherlands.
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Ghirardelli Pumpkin Spice Caramel

Ghirardelli Pumpkin SpiceThis seasonal holiday chocolate is as delicious as the name!  It is coated in milk chocolate with a soft, gooey center of pumpkin spice flavored caramel.
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