Chocolate is America’s Halloween Candy Preference

The most loved among Halloween goodies include: candy corn, gummy candy, chewy candy, hard candy, lollipops, licorice, and gum and mints.

But, according to a recent survey, chocolate remains the most liked treat for this coming Halloween.  The survey also revealed that adults plan on getting a mix of both chocolate and candy for the ghosts and goblins who darken their doorsteps on Halloween evening.

“Individual buying and consumption habits aside, there’s no denying the role that candy of all kinds plays in this All-American holiday tradition – and that’s something even the grumpiest gremlin can celebrate.”, said NCA Vice President of Communications Susan Whiteside.

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Chocolate Pecan Caramel Shortbread

We often coast through life putting up with the mundane things. We've got mouths to feed and bills to pay, and sometimes that's all we can think about.

An opportunity to bask in some fun knocks on your door, and all you do is scream at the top of your lungs "Go away!" You don't even know why you're screaming in the first place, perhaps to intimidate that little voice in your head that says "I want to have some fun." Time and again, the bigger voice in your head wins, one which incessantly blurts out "Responsibilities first!"

Fun need not be extravagant. Heck, you can have fun with just the mere use of your mind! If you just can’t find the resources to have the kind of fun you've always been passing on but always been dying to experience, just enjoy the little pleasures in life for now. Until then, opt for chocolate. Chocolate can always give you that, always.

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Chocolate To Support Breast Cancer Funding

The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation will receive 20 cents from every block of Milk Strawberry chocolate that will be sold until the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October). It aims to financially support breast cancer medical training.

This makes the established rapport between Whittaker's and the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation even stronger. Last year, they introduced White Raspberry chocolate, which raised over $70,000, nearly three times the amount expected. And in accordance with such a hit, Whittaker’s has become a Pink Ribbon Platinum Partner, meaning it is committed to donating at least $75,000 this year.

Whittaker’s Brand Manager, Holly Whittaker says, "We are delighted to continue our involvement with The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, given their important role in helping New Zealanders beat breast cancer. This year, we are focusing our support on their scholarship program and continuous medical education for breast cancer medical professionals."

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Dairy-Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

Now that the temperatures are cooling down, time to reflect.  How was your summer? Anything brag-worthy? Or at least sharing with fellow chocoholics?

In case you traveled or went for any type of adventure, do you have some souvenirs with you? Share about all the fun stuff that kept you busy and thrilled last summer.

In the meantime, here’s an additional item for your happy list!

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Chocolate as Cough Medication?

Around 300 participants that suffered from a persistent cough took part in a clinical trial at 13 National Health Service hospitals in the UK. They were given theobromine, the naturally occurring chemical found in chocolate, twice a day for 14 days. 60% of the participants reported some sort of relief.

Research has it that a daily dose of dark chocolate may come with sufficient amounts of active compound to treat a chronic cough, emphasis on the word ‘treat’. It did not cure the cough, considering symptoms did return once treatment was ended.

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White Chocolate Fruit and Nut Squares

If you’re one of those parents juggling work and family, and you happen to be having a hard time catching up with your kids, doing activities together at your few and far between downtimes can work magic.

Whip up this recipe, it’s like a Rice Krispies square only much better. You can also use milk or dark chocolate.

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Reducing Liver Enzymes in HIV/HCV Patients

A recent study has shown that patients diagnosed with HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) and HCV (Hepatitis C virus) who ate chocolate on a daily basis, and downed at least 3 cups of coffee each day, were found to have lower levels of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) as compared to patients who had fewer foods that had polyphenol in them.

Scientists came up with these results from 990 adult patients coinfected with HCV and HIV. They tried tossing in moderate red wine consumption into the analysis, but it did not make a significant change to the results. Also, tobacco use had no impact on either outcome. A combination indicator for polyphenol-rich food intake including both coffee and chocolate consumption was remarkably linked to risk reductions for high ALT and AST.

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White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie

In our books, the classic chocolate chip cookie remain unrivaled. However, the white chocolate macadamia nut definitely has its own unique charm. It still offers the chocolate we can’t do without, but comes with one of my favorite nuts.

This cookie recipe combines both white and brown sugar, and such mix is known to yield perfect chewy consistency. Suffice it to say, good quality white chocolate is needed. Never, ever, scrimp on this! The quality of the chocolate you use will make or break the cookie.

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Chocolate Beer Sandwich, Anyone?

Europe introduces yet another innovation, a new sandwich spread with the flavors of chocolate and beer combined. This interesting creation is known as “Birra Spalmabile”. The inventors suggest that it would be best on toast or used as a cake filling. You might get to thinking “Why on earth would I want my child’s cake to taste like beer?”

Two Italian companies, brewery Alta Quota and chocolate maker Napoleone, the ones responsible for creating this masterpiece, say that it can also be eaten with cheese or other appetizers.

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Gluten Free Chocolate Chili Cherry Cookies

It's always heartbreaking to bid goodbye to summer, but you need not weep. You can always relive the warm-weather with some recipes that make you feel warm and cozy, even on the inside.

These cookies are moist, rich, fudgy and filling, with a hint of spice. All these qualities are guaranteed to give you an explosion in the mouth. The secret ingredient to this is actually the Black Beans.

Just so you know, black beans are packed with fiber and protein. It’s not a very usual combination, mind you. A one-cup serving of black beans contains 14 grams of protein – the same amount as a 2 oz. serving of chicken or salmon.

Black beans do magic to the digestive tract and the skin of these beans is packed with high levels of phytonutrients. All these nutrients can work in your dessert, how awesome is that?!

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