Halloween Chocolate Recipes

Halloween has always been one of the most captivating holidays, usually celebrated by the young ones and the once young, or shall I say, the young-at-heart. The element of surprise that comes with Halloween (which is surprisingly always present) always screams fun!

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The Story of Chocolate – Infographic

Chocolate has fascinated people all over the world for thousands of years. Today, forty to fifty million people depend on cocoa for their livelihoods. Here's an interesting infographic with more details.

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The Story of Chocolate – Infographic (Large)

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The Story of Chocolate Infographic

Source: Vantage House

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Get these 100-Year-Old Chocolate Recipes

We found an old book and got the rights to publish it for you. Now these 138 recipes from 1909 are available as a digital download. Take a look here.


Congo Bars Recipe

If you’ve been reading my blog posts for any length of time, it would be pretty obvious I like baking. I can cook and make a more than decent meal alright, but without my precious butter, sugar, flour, and eggs, I’d be incomplete. Without chocolate, I’m lost and alone.
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Chocolate Toilet and Other Bathroom Fixtures

If you had the resources, would you be willing to shell out $22,559 on a toilet made of chocolate? I’m not one to judge, but I bet even the most devoted chocoholic wouldn’t come running to buy one.

The self-proclaimed “chocoholics” who are behind the U.K.-based online store Bathrooms.com are giving you a 980,000-calorie loo, which is part of a 100% Belgian Chocolate Bathroom Suite.

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Chocolate Raisin Bars Recipe

Dessert is something else in our household. We have it every single night. Don’t judge just yet! It’s not all that bad. Every night following dinner, we have a small serving of dessert for each person. Portion control, errbody. Just enough to satisfy our undying devotion to dessert sans the worry and guilt.
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The Versatility of Chocolate

I’ve been eating a different chocolate each day for more than eight years. I love the unadulterated flavor notes in a well-made single origin chocolate bar. However, I’ve also come to admire the amazing versatility of cacao after blending different chocolates with fruits, nuts, spices, beverages and savory items over time.

What makes good flavor blends in food? Fresh ingredients, and a skillful mix of the five basic tastes--salty, sweet, bitter, sour, umami (meaty, savory)--are two considerations. And these do apply to chocolate as well.

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Hot Fudge Sundae Cake

Hot Fudge Sundae Cake Recipe

Being a self-confessed chocolate addict, I’m always on the lookout for remarkable chocolaty treats. This one, however, was shared with me by my sister. Aware of the fact that I’m obsessed with chocolate, she sends me treats and recipes from time to time.
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Chocolate Legos?

A recent study indicated that 89% of chocolate buyers purchase it as a reward or treat, and 87% consider it as a regular snack, whereas 83% of them take into consideration the size of chocolate candy packages to know the best bang for the buck, and 72% opt for chocolate to enhance their mood or to get an energy kick.

The giants in the chocolate industry know the significance of consumer concerns. No wonder miniature versions of chocolate bars came surfacing to help generate sales within the growing snacking sector.

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Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies Recipe

As a kid, I grew up not so fond of meringue cookies. The ones my mother got from the store always reminded me of Styrofoam. I always thought they didn’t have enough flavor to even bother with.

Then, in the past few years, I started playing around with chocolate left overs. Those combined with some egg whites would always make a meringue cookie worth drooling over. They have a great texture and deep chocolate flavor.
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