Banning Chocolate Used to Bait Bears?

Big news from New Hampshireregarding the effects of bears consuming various chocolate products. New Hampshire is a state where hunting is a rich tradition. And, part of that tradition involves setting up bait for bears in order to lure them - bait that includes chocolates, which have been found to be fatally harmful to some bears in the area.

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Cherry and Chocolate Sheet Cake Recipe

When you eat cherries, you enjoy much more than just their amazing taste. They’re packed with antioxidants and offer many health benefits, including help with insomnia, joint pain and belly fat. Another benefit is the wood of some cherry species that is especially esteemed for the manufacture of fine furniture.

As Spring and Summer arrive, take them in with some fresh cherries, and try out this delicious cherry and chocolate sheet cake recipe.

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Dagoba Chai Chocolate Bar Review

I’m slowly making my way through the Dagoba line of chocolate bars. The varieties are quite diverse and, because of this, I find it challenging to come up with my favorite. That said, I’m extremely fond of several.

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Yoga and Chocolate

Yoga is a well-known model for reducing stress and practicing mindfulness. Recently, it’s been infused with mindful eating practices as yogis across the country indulge in wine, food, and chocolate before, during, and/or after their sessions.

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Earth Day Chocolate Cake Pops Recipe

Happy Earth Day, everyone!!! How will you be celebrating Earth Day's 45th anniversary? Head on over to to find Earth Day activities in your area, or to learn about how you can help support our environment.

We've got a great recipe to help you celebrate Earth Day chocolate-style this year, since Earth is the only known planet with chocolate! Cake pops are all the rage, and this recipe for chocolate cake pops decorated as mini planet Earths are so fun, you'll want to share them with everyone!

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Cocoa Roast Almonds – Dark Chocolate

It’s great news that Almonds are a good source of vitamin E, protein and high levels of heart healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

It’s even better news (to a chocolate lover like me, at least) that almonds dusted in dark cocoa powder provide even more cardiovascular benefits! And they taste terrific too!

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Built with Chocolate Milk Campaign

During March Madness this year, a new ad campaign, Built With Chocolate Milk, was introduced. It features NBA star Kevin Love, a 6’10” basketball-loving power forward who claims to drink chocolate milk to help him recover off the court.

It’s essential for him to restore his body after games and practices, since there are 82 games scheduled each season, not to mention travel, and only a few days off.

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White Chocolate “Take-Me-On-a-Picnic” Truffles Recipe

Spring provides us with perfect picnic weather. It's not too hot out yet to melt the food, or you, and with any luck the bugs will still be keeping their distance! All you need for the perfect spring picnic is a light jacket and a plan.
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Brookside Dark Chocolate Goji & Raspberry

The Easter Bunny was very generous to me this season.

As the Easter Bunny walked through her warehouse of candy treats (which looked an awful like the neighbor market), rows and rows of sweets began to call me. I mean images of Bryn spring to her mind and she thought, "yes, Bryn would surely love to try this," and, "this is just perfect for Bryn," and, "hey, this is new, I bet Bryn would find this interesting!"

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Easter Chocolate Tester? Sign Me Up!

All those chocolate Easter bunny and egg recipes didn't just fall from the sky. Did you know there are actually people employed to taste test them? What a job, right! 27-year-old Alex Emerson-White was busy taste testing Easter chocolates while you were out purchasing your Easter baskets!

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