Raaka Virgin Chocolate - Yacón Root

Raaka Virgin Chocolate – Yacón Root

Let’s gets this out of the way first….what is yacón root?? And more importantly, why would I eat chocolate made with it?

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Raaka Virgin Chocolate – Maple and Nibs

Last week I wrote about my experience with a virgin chocolate bar. For those of you that read my blog, you’re welcome for the double entendre. For those of you who didn’t – get your mind out of the gutter!

To recap, for the previous post I tried a Raaka 82% Bourbon cask aged Tanzanian virgin (as in unroasted) chocolate bar. Absolutely delicious!

Today’s tasty treat will be another Raaka production...

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Raaka Virgin Chocolate – Bourbon Cask Aged

Virgin chocolate. Bourbon cask aged. Tanzania. 82% cacao. Good Food awards winner.

Okay, this has my attention. But wait, what’s virgin chocolate? And, what’s this about - aged in bourbon casks?

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Luck O’ the Irish – Shamrock Truffles

I have a little Irish blood in my veins, and just a drop is all you need to celebrate with my family. Each year, we gather together for a splendid St. Patty’s Day meal. While there are many specialty foods associated with St. Patrick’s Day, chocolate is usually not one of them. But it’s top o’ mind at my nearby chocolates shop – Allo! Chocolat.

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Dark Chocolate With Passion Fruit Filling

While rummaging through my chocolate drawer, I found a bar that had somehow found its way to the very bottom, hidden underneath all the other chocolates. What caught my eye was a square block of chocolate wrapped in bright yellow packaging with large reddish-pink print: “Dark Chocolate with Passion Fruit Filling”.

Sometimes I forget where some of the chocolate comes from that winds up in my chocolate drawer. Did I buy it? Was it a gift from someone? Is it a gift for someone that I forgot to give (that happens to you too, right!?)?

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Indulgence Chocolatiers – Porter

I’m an avid reader. I especially like a good book series. I’m always eager to dive into the next book even when I’ve barely finished the one I’m reading.

I have the same relationship with chocolate bars from Indulgence Chocolatiers. After I finish one variety of bar, I’m ready to try the next. Out of the nearly 20 different offerings, I think I’ve only had 5 so far.

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Casa del Chocolate – Varadero, Cuba 

Every chocolate I’ve ever tasted comes with a story.  This is no exception.

I found chocolate in Cuba! And what an extraordinary experience for me. Born in the mid-sixties in the U.S., everything Cuba has been off limits for my entire life.

Last month I traveled to Cuba with my husband and other alumni from our alma mater, Carroll University. We had a packed itinerary focusing on cultural and educational activities. Our People to People experience was equal parts eye opening and heart opening.

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Mast Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Chocolate

Some gifts are better than others. For me, the best gifts I receive are consumable; chocolate, wine, chocolate. Actually, it doesn’t even have to be food. Could be anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, antioxidant facial serum. Just saying!

Hands down, the best gift to receive (and give!) is chocolate. Recently, my brother gave me a gift of some chocolate bars from Mast Brothers. He knows what I like!

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Pacari Dark Chocolate – Cuzco Pink Salt & Nibs

Chocolate made from Ecuadorian cacao is among my favorites. This 60% dark chocolate bar with sea salt and nibs is made with 100% Ecuadorian cacao. Ecuador is home to the native Arriba Nacional, a very fine and flavorful cacao.  This bar doesn’t disappoint!

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Madécasse – Sea Salt & Nibs Dark Chocolate

Madécasse, pronounced Mah-day-kas, is an old French word for Madagascar.

Madécasse uses Heirloom cacao to make their Madagascar origin chocolate. According to their website, www.madecasse.com,  “…it is some of earth’s original genetic variety of cocoa that has remained untouched for hundreds of years and is found in only a few places in the world”.

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