chocolate almond milk

Quick and Easy Homemade Chocolate Almond Milk Recipe

I love chocolate milk drinks but let’s be honest, they are full of sugar. That is why creating your own and using healthier milk alternatives is a better solution to ensure you’ll get all its nutritional goodness.

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Vegan Chocolate

Is Chocolate Vegan? A Quick Guide To Vegan Chocolate

My favorite thing about chocolate is that it’s always in season! Whether there is a special occasion or I’m just feeling blue, it can easily make the day better. And with all the types of chocolate in the market right now, is there really a vegan chocolate?

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World Chocolate Day

Happy World Chocolate Day! How It Started and How To Celebrate

Ahh my favorite day… Every year on July 7, to honor the art of chocolate making, the World Chocolate Day is celebrated. And what’s the best way to enjoy it? Indulging in our favorite treats without guilt, of course!

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Does Chocolate Go Bad

Does Chocolate Go Bad? Plus Tips on How to Store It

Sometimes I forget about a chocolate bar I had stashed away (hard to believe but it’s true!), and when I find it, it’s past the expiration date. Can I still eat it? Does chocolate go bad? Does it really expire?

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Chocolate Oreo Recipe

4th Of July Chocolate Oreo Recipe

Are you ready for 4th of July? If you are looking for easy, fun, and creative ideas (that involve chocolate of course!), then your search is over! I got you! 😉

Here is a super quick and easy red, white, and blue themed chocolate Oreo recipe to try for your 4th of July dessert or snack.

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Chocolate Turon

Chocolate Turon (Spring Rolls) Recipe

Turon (pronounced tu’rón), or crispy banana rolls, is a popular afternoon snack here in the Philippines. Now, as chocolate lovers, we are making a few changes in the original recipe, because we are only using... you guessed that right… chocolate! Read more for this easy and no sweat recipe.

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The Art Of Eating A Chocolate

The Art Of Eating A Chocolate

Eating a chocolate varies depending on people’s intention, time, location, etc. I could just tell you to pop it in your mouth and munch on it and this article will be over, huh? But to some people, it would mean savoring the different flavors and aroma and getting lost into it, just like how you would be mesmerized on a specific work of art.

What am I talking about? Continue reading to find out!

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Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee Recipe

Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee Recipe

Ever since I started working from home, I’ve been guilty of ordering coffee every day. Aside from this being unhealthy, it’s also crazy expensive! I’ve always tried experimenting on a few recipes every now and then, pretending to be a cool barista, but it’s always a failed attempt.

Until today…

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Dairy Free Chocolates

Want Some Dairy-Free Chocolates?

Chocolate production has come a long way in terms of milk alternatives. There is an option for almost all dietary requirements, from nuts to grains, as long as it didn’t come from a cow. But, did you know that true chocolate is already dairy-free?

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White Chocolate

Is White Chocolate A Real Chocolate?

Do you like white chocolate? This type of chocolate, whether it’s considered a real chocolate or not, always seem to split chocolate lovers between those who hate and love it. What do you think it really is?

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