Chocolate and Beer Pairing – Stouts

In the opening post of this series I mentioned that there are three categories of beer that pair well with chocolates.

The first group for pairing includes dark beers such as porters and stouts...

These beers are made using a good deal of roasted or burnt barley malt.  In fact, one of the burnt barley malts is even called “chocolate malt.”  It doesn't really have any chocolate in it, but rather the malt has been roasted or kilned until it acquires more of a chocolaty color.
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A S’more is considered a summer time classic by many.  It brings back memories of camping and backyard barbeques.  And, of course, it just tastes good.

If you are not familiar with s’mores, it is like a marshmallow and chocolate sandwich with the bread replaced with graham crackers.  First roast a marshmallow skewered on the end of a long stick or fork over the coals of a camp fire or grill. 

Meanwhile put a piece of chocolate on a graham cracker.  After the marshmallow turns a golden brown, you pull it off the stick, place it on top of the chocolate, and top with another graham cracker.  The warm marshmallow melts the chocolate and voilà! a s’more is born.
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Chocolate Art: to Eat or Not to Eat?

Certainly there is an art to making chocolates.   A chocolatier brings creativity, craftsmanship, and personal style to every creation.  Chocolates are meant to be visually appealing and exceptionally enjoyable to eat.

From my perspective, put the emphasis on eat!

But here’s a twist:  what about chocolate art you don’t (or can’t) eat?

Need an example... An art exhibition featuring miniature chocolate replicas of China's ancient terracotta warriors opened this week in Taipei.
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Does Fair Trade Chocolate Taste Good?

What is Fair-trade chocolate, and does it taste as good as non-fair trade chocolate?

The Fair Trade chocolate model is intended to ensure cacao farmers receive a fair price for their harvest. Fair trade seeks to create more trade links between farmer and buyer with the intent of eliminating the “middleman.”

It is about sustainability, responsible farming, and supplying a community of growers with better education, health care, and the elimination of child and slave labor. It all sounds like good stuff.

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Chocolate and Beer Pairing

When most people think about pairing chocolate with an alcoholic beverage the product they usually consider is wine.  However, there are components in wine which can make these pairings difficult and often unpredictable.

Tannins in red wine can make dark chocolates seem more bitter, and the acidity in wines often does not  balance well with the chocolate.  Because of the variation in wine styles, even within varietals, it’s often difficult to generalize about ideal wine and chocolate pairings.

This is not the case for beer!
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Is Milk Chocolate Inferior to Dark Chocolate?

I was asked a question like this recently, "is milk chocolate considered inferior to dark chocolate?"

Inferior?  No.

Not as “in”?  Yes.
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Chocolate-Themed Party

Generally speaking, I think parties with a theme are easier to plan and more fun to attend.

Using chocolate as the star of your party appeals to all ages, genders, and budgets.  And it works great for the party–poopers, too.  Ever had the pleasure (or obligation) of trying to throw a party for the person who says “Don’t throw me a party, I hate parties!”?

I bet they won’t turn down a party in which chocolate is the center of attention.
If you are planning a kid’s birthday party, what could better than making it a chocolate party?
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Cocoa Bean Shells Make Great Mulch

I love the smell of my flower bed after it rains.  Ahhhh, it smells so chocolatey! 

Yep, that’s right, an aroma like brownies baking in an oven.  I use cocoa bean shells for mulch and it is true that when it gets wet, it smells delightfully like chocolate.

As the name indicates, cocoa shell mulch is made from the shell of the cocoa bean.  These shells come off the bean either during or just prior to the roasting process.  The shells are cleaned and packaged for sale as mulch.
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Chocolate Board Game

Chocolate-opoly?  Check this out...

Chocolate-opoly is a decadently delicious property trading game for chocolate lovers.  Come again?
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Chocolate, Massage, What?

I just tried chocolate scented therapeutic massage oil...


What more is there to say?

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