Barnana Organic Chocolate Banana Brittle
May 31, 2018
Barnana’s Chocolate Banana Brittle are crunchy, bite-sized squares that look like thin cookies. They have a rich brown color and they are sprinkled with chocolate chips and toasted coconut flakes on top.
According to the Barnana website, www.barnana.com, the company got its name “because we believe that the banana is mother nature's original energy bar”.
Made from Upcycled Bananas?
In the case of bananas, much of that waste comes from rejected bananas that have scuffs or aren’t the right size. Or maybe they’re just a little too ripe for transportation. These can’t be exported so they are discarded, left to rot. Until Barnana comes to the rescue. They use the less-than-perfect bananas to make Barnana snacks.
It’s no surprise that opening the package releases very strong banana aromas. The intense banana aroma translates to intense banana flavor notes. Right away, it’s all banana!
But then I started to taste the chocolate and coconut notes. The flavor nuances of the cocoa or the chocolate chips really don’t exist. The banana is too powerful and it completely takes over any terroir from the chocolate. But, the baseline of chocolate is always present.
The cocoa powder in the crispy bite-size pieces ensures that you can taste chocolate throughout the whole eating experience. Of course, when you bite into a chocolate chip, the chocolate flavor is intensified.
I really like these chocolatey, crunchy banana snacks. They’re sweet but not too sweet. I like the practice of upcycling, so I feel good eating them, too. They certainly are addicting. My 3.5 ounce bag is way too small. What were they thinking??
The best price on Amazon is the 3-pack.

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